This stupid Drivers-ed book is too hard to study, there's so much to learn, is such little time.. I wish it would hurry up and cram itself in my head so I could get my licence. I've been studying for about a week, and I can't remember a thing.. Every time I open it, it seems like a whole different book. I'm really really worried about this test.. but I'm sure you nice folks would care to hear something more interesting than that. Hmm.. let's see. Ah, I'm applying for my old job at Zellers. No, I wasn't fired the first time, I was only there for Christmas help. I'm going to take my application in tomorrow. Wish me luck everybody. biggrin (I still have a picture of mine kitty, hehe.) Umm... I'm sorry everybody, I really can't think of what to write... confused I'm out of cookies, I ate them all. I'm pretty sure I also had the last cupcake again today. (That's right, again.) Alright guys, I really can't think of anything more to say, leave me alone now. Seriously. I'll make another entry at some point tomorrow.. before the third day.
Captain Kieran · Wed Mar 28, 2007 @ 04:04am · 3 Comments |