The monthly collectibles are so cool this month, and I ******** love the scythe. heart I was wondering why there was never a lunar or moon staff since they had a sun staff and so many other lunar and solar items. Well a mystical moon staff could still be cool but I'm satisfied with the scythe for now, I no longer even really care about getting a sun staff. I wanted a staff for a type of mage avi but the double scythe pose looks good anyways.
The Aquatica item is rather cool as well, I'm tempted to get one for the sheer fact I could make very water elemental avis. The eyes didn't really look that cool from what I've seen but their alright I doubt I will get any of those though.
Still the scythe and aquatica items are rather cool, actually probably some of my favorites I've seen so far. Funny part this month is April too, I usually hate April, although Gaia wise it's been decent. 3nodding
Glomey · Mon Apr 16, 2007 @ 02:29am · 2 Comments |