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How come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up, we'll all get up, IT'LL BE ANARCHY!
Well I don't have anything else planned for today, let's get drunk!
Shoot Me in the Smile.
The Matches were awesome! xd Pubert and I are concert buddies now...I've decided, and she didn't answer so, I'm gonna asume she concurs. It was so funtastic! And Shawn was wearing a bolder hat for the first precious. Only thing that sucked was this annoying little 12 year old kid who was being annoying to everyone around him and trying to p***y mosh to songs that were clearly unmoshable. So whenever he came over to my side I punched the little wanker. rolleyes Litter kids should be banned, and stay home on Saturday nights studying or doing things 12 year olds do...anyways...but yea. After the last song, (can't quite remember what it was at the moment...) Shawn jumps off the stage kinda close to where Pubes and I were, and some people didn't know what to do and they got out of the way, but Pubert and I ran over and I asked him for a hug and he turned around and thought it was Pubert but I was like, no it was me! surprised and he gave me a hug! heart Maggie's jealous eventhough she won't admit it. And I got my picture taken wif him and Matt, the drummer cause there were only like 3 girls around him, and he was cool. cool And I know Pubert had fun cause I saw her bouncing around and singing xd adorable. She was such a minority 5 asians tops and the whole show. But was sweet.