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TTL's Ramblings
Art for me, rants, whatever.
Gaia Ball RP Character
Name: Zylara

Age: Unknown. Her body, however, matches that of a 25-30 year old human.

Appearance: [See avi for quick reference.] Zylara has pitch black skin, with glowing green tattoos. She stands at about 6'3" and weighs about 165 pounds. She wears limited clothing, as it has little purpose in her world. The bottoms of her feet glow green, leaving a fading trail of light wherever she treads. Her eyes are the same color as her tattoos, though one is covered with an eyepatch.

Occupation: Zylara is a shamaness, holding the rank of colonel. She specializes in healing allies and torturing enemies, as well as providing portals for transportation. It is also her duty outside of battle to engrave tattoos on tribe members.

Personality: Zylara is very personable when not interrogating foes. She's calm, quiet, and rather intelligent. But when working, she is serious and curt, knowing the extent to which her powers can aide or hurt the tribe. When in combat, she is quick and tends to taunt the enemy.

Her realm: Zylara's race lives in a world of darkness, and has therefore evolved the ability to "see" the world around them, their eyes showing them a grey outline around the objects in their environment. There are various plants and animals with mystical glowing attributes, which are harvested to create the tribal tattoos and light sources. Magic flows freely in her realm, which has been harnessed to a degree by those of the realm.

Her people: The Say'de Krid'nyt is the largest warring tribe in her world. They commonly clash with three other tribes large enough to fight for territory. Each child is born completely black, and must be painted with luminescent paint so he or she can begin bonding with the magic the world holds. Upon reaching adulthood, the paint is removed and replaced with a glowing tattoo. These tattoos allow total symmetry with the forces of her world, and their complexity and design varies based on rank, ability, and personal preference. Being at peace with magic has its advantages: otherworldly beasts may be summoned, items of need can be conjured, and portals to other dimensions and places can be created. The highest rank of citizen is the summoner; these men and women make up 70% of the tribe. Summoners often outnumber warriors in battle as well because of the intense amount of work summoning requires; a single summoned beast requires one hour of total concentration to summon and can only kill one enemy before it is recalled to the otherrealm.

The Tentacle Lover
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The Tentacle Lover
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