Today, I have establised the Hayabusa Clan and have waged war against the Tanaka clan lead by Zraga Tanaka. I have only 5 crew mambers and will grow in count by creating a guild or going to Gaia towns to confront others. My crew members consist of, myself, II Sauske Hayabusa II, Cloud`Strife, Shang Hayabusa, SaSkel _Hayabusa and Naruto Hayabusa1. In order to join you must confront me or Cloud`Strife and enter our training program. If you pass, you are in our clan. Your name doesn't have to have Hayabusa in it. I need all the help I can get.
ninja Hayabusa out.
Ryu` Hayabusa

Shang Hayabusa


II Sasuke Hayabusa II

SaSkel _Hayabusa