__xAKQx__'s KiwiBoxJournal |
Where Eran (AKQ) goes to write about her day. Feel free to comment. She'll add more BBcode and HTML stuff once she get's used to it. Come read, enjoy and comment. WARNING: Some school days will be so random it will be dangerous to your health. ^_* |
Community Member
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 @ 01:31am
Kiwi's Onigiri Recipie!
Here's my own personalized way of making onigiris. I read many recipies online, watched videos and customized my mixture of knowledge I've gotten from the recipies to my taste. Here's an easy way to make onigiri (Japenese rice balls look it up) in America, especially when you don't live in an area with a high asian population. u_u
So here's what you need!
>>: 2 cups of cooked rice. Yes, we are using it ALL just for 2 onigiri's. Amazing. Any kind, it can be long grain rice or short grain, or Japenese style. Just none of that weird brown rice and stuff. White rice. You can cook it any way you want, microwave, stovetop, ricecooker, campfire (Lol.), just make sure it's sticky rice.
>>: Salt and saltwater. Have a teaspoon of salt at hand, and alittle bit of saltwater for dipping your hands and the nori.
>>: Canned tuna.
>>: Soy sauce or mayo.
>>: Roasted seaweed or nori, two strips is all you need. They come in packs of sheets, take one sheet and peel down 3cm wide strips. You can find this at some publixes, Wal-Marts, and Asian supermarkets. It's used for sushi.
And time for the cooking. Prepare your cooking area, use wax paper, or a clean cooking surface, or if you have no wax paper and your tabletop is disgusting get three bowls, one for the rice, one for the tuna, and one for the saltwater.
1. Make sure the rice is NOT BURNING HOT. This is a lesson I learned after burning my hands several times. Let it cool down some, won't you?
2. Drain the tuna, take about two teaspoons and mix it with a teaspoon of soysauce or mayo. I prefer soy sauce.
3. Once the rice is just warm, wet your hands in the saltwater and cup about a 1/2 cup of rice in one hand, make a small hole in the middle and fill with a teaspoon of tuna.
4. Cover the hole with another half cup of rice and squeze into a ball or rounded triangle. Squeeze until it won't fall apart and is nicely shaped and stable.
5. Take the strip of nori and dip it into the saltwater. Then wrap at either the tip of the triangle or the ball. At the size of the onigiri, it should not go all the way around. If you suck at the squeezing, I'd take two bigger strips and wrap the hole thing so it won't fall apart.
6. Repeat to make another riceball and enjoy! Experiment with fillings, seriously. In my past experience, I've found lots of foods go well with rice. Kiwis, apples, pickles, hot dogs, shrimp, avocado, asparagus basically anything you want to try might work!
Community Member
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 @ 01:51am
Again. Darn.
This is oging to be a long entry, but for those of you people that like to look into people's thoughts, and love drama, I would read this. It might be interesting.
I'm at Summer Camp, as always. Let's get a little re-cap who ther people are. Katie is my bestest friend ever, we do everything together always, and have been best friends since the beginning of time. But her personality changes drastically depending on the people she's with. Sam is the girl I hate them most. At school, she talks about me, is snobby, is the popular mean cheerleader, and is mean to everyone. No one REALLY likes her, and she's made my friend Brianne cry several times. Anyways she's a total b***h. If you read a couple entries back, you'll get most of the story. So go. Now.
Okay. Summer Camp. It's like a story now.
I walk into the doors of Summer Camp, Sam is there, I felt a sense of dread. She's with Heather, an older girl, several years older, who Sam hangs out with when Katie's not there. Sam completely ignores Katie at school, she even insults her with her friends. She's talking, not much, looking bored and lonely. I sit to a table when Katie goes in. Sam kinda gives her a glance, trying to see if she's going on her side today, Katie walks by and sits next to me. We talk, like us best friendsies do, blach, blah, blah, Summer Camp goes outside, we still talk, when it's time to get into the van, Sam and Katie start to talk constantly again, ignoring me. On the van, Sam and Katie, whispering, ignoring me still. When we get to the Planetarium, it goes on.
Katie later tells me not to follow her, leaves me behind. and eventually when we leave, I stick with Megan, a girl one year younger than me, who is usually nicer to me than Katie when Sam is around. The van is dead, it won't start, so two people have to ride with the other kids, Sam and Katie pair up, and leave me with Megan.
But instead, our Summer Camp get's someone to get the other van, so it's back to normal. On the way back, me and Megan talking, Katie and Sam ignoring me.
When we get back, I eat lunch with Katie and Sam, without talking. After lunch I go off to Megan and Gina, Katie seemed a bit...annoyed. I had fun with Megan and Gina, playing board games, laughing, being silly and such when Sam had to leave.
You couldn't imagine how evilly happy I was. Katie all alone. Ha, ha. Just like me, karma went back aorund and kicked Katie in the a**. My brain was laughing, smiling. Katie had to sit all alone, bored, no one to talk to, just like me. I could help but to imagine myself pointing and laughing. I didn't care if she was lonely, that's what she deserves. I was too glad I went with Megan, if not, she'd just act like nothing and go to her back-up, me. Now she felt the same way I did, unwanted, and couldn't come up to us. Ha, ha. Take that backstabber. Yes, I was evil, but I didn't actually do any of that in real life. But later on, when she went outside, she snapped back to normal talking to me. Like she never ignored me. I was lonely, I'm glad she felt it too, but I would never actually forgive her deep down.
I know this is going to go on, and part of me says it's oging to end up with me in tears. Nuh-uh. I'm different. I'm going to shove things back into Sam's big mouth.
Ugh. That's enough for now. I'll see you guys next time. Bye!!
Community Member
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 @ 09:24pm
When I'm at Summer Camp, Katie and Sam are usually there. Katie is my best friend, we've been friends since Preschool, and we usually never get mad at eachother. Sam is a mean, popular girl who me and Katie both hate. Katie always tells me she doesn't like Sam, and she doesn't.
Ever since I've gone to Summer Camp, Katie has been ignoring me, being snotty to me, and hanging out with Sam the whole time there! They're never, ever friends at school but at Summer Camp they're best friends forever. She never actually said it, but I can obviously tell. I don't want to sound greedy, but why is Katie paying more attention to her enemy than to her best friend sad .
The mornings are lonely, usually no one's there except Gina. She's two years younger than me, and I don't really know her. It makes me sad to be left alone. Yesterday, at the Skating Rink, Katie and Sam skated together for two hours and left me alone, not caring about me. I mean,. I sat with them at the bus, but like they talk to me neutral .
Then, in the afternoon, Shella and Megan come, and my lonely ness is revived confused , but then when Shella comes, they pretend they've been talking to me all day because Shella is my friend.
*Continued later*
Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 @ 02:58am
Summer. Vacation.
Yes! Summer vacation has finally begun 4laugh ! I went to Katie's birthday sleepover (Her birthday is actually in March) yesterday with Sammy and Colleen. We swam four times, went outside and played volleyball on the street, in the rain, barefoot 3nodding , we watched Fun With d**k and Jane (The 2nd time, for me), and we ate cinnamon sticks ^_*. Yeah, it was fun. We slept for 11-4 than woke up, watched T.V and then slept from 5-10. Even thought we slept 10 hours, I passed out and fell asleep somewhere around three o'clock today surprised .
For Gaia during the summer, I'm going to be hanging out with Sting_Sword at her shop with the rest of the thread regulars. I just got the terra-twist haircut, and I'm going to be buying a new outfit for my avvie heart .
Well that's it for now, I hope I remember to journal over the summer. Bye!
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