Not going to lie, that would be incredible.
Humans as a species are just so damned boring.
No claws
No fangs
No horns
No tails
No gills
No wings
No scale
No fins
No plumes
Can't change colour
Can't fly
Can't burrow
Can't grow antlers
Not venomous or poisonous
Can't spin silk
Literally nothing. We're just weird and squishy.
However, given humanity's track record of starting wars over the colour of people's skin and other such nonsense, I don't see the arrival of Gaians going over so well.
Humans as a species are just so damned boring.
No claws
No fangs
No horns
No tails
No gills
No wings
No scale
No fins
No plumes
Can't change colour
Can't fly
Can't burrow
Can't grow antlers
Not venomous or poisonous
Can't spin silk
Literally nothing. We're just weird and squishy.
However, given humanity's track record of starting wars over the colour of people's skin and other such nonsense, I don't see the arrival of Gaians going over so well.