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Aura's Writings
I like to write...a lot. So, I figure I'll let people see what I can come up with sometimes (depending on the mood I'm in). I write poetry when I'm feeling down or angry-most of them are very happy. I also write fan-fictions (and for those of you who
Carried Away
In the sun, in the sky
No one may answer.
Heart inlaid to be discovered,
But even then emotions conceal.
To what do we hear, to whom do we speak
When the freely given soul never was taken?

Aura Azura
Community Member
Aura Azura
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  • 01/30/11 to 01/23/11 (1)
  • 04/18/10 to 04/11/10 (1)
  • 04/30/06 to 04/23/06 (1)