I love fairy tales about blue roses.
recently I read this one about a woman and a demonic phantom n_n it kinda caught my eye.

There was once a village in the hills that was known for its beautiful flowers. But the phantom who detested beauty cast a curse upon the soil choking the plants and making them wilt to death. All the people in the village feared the phantom eccept for one woman who wanted nothing more than to break the phantoms curse and bring the flowers back. she worked hard day in and day out untill soon red and gold roses bloomed all over her garden. She was happy and the phantom became perturbed.
The phantom aproached her one night while she slept at first to kill her, but soon he discovered she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He fled not knowing what to do.
The next day The woman wwas working hard in her garden and the phantom approached her, Proposing with a single red rose.
The woman denied him, shaking her head and smiling "If you can find me a single blue rose I will marry you." she said.
The phantom took on her challange and searched for years on end. He traveled the four corners of the earth and finally when he felt all was lost he found the blue rose. By the time he had returned to the woman's home to propose again she had been long dead and her garden was wilted and grown over with weeds. Overcome with heartache the demon fell to his knees and cried. but every one of his tears became a seed.
A seed for a rose bush from which bloomed blue roses.