Drago Kimera

Drago Kimera's avatar

Registered: 10/08/2004

Gender: Male

Birthday: 08/23


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The Log of one Drago Kimera.

This description is a basic layout of the things I feel like typing or logging for anyone in the world to read.

My Playlist

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A Poem I Wrote

All I ever knew, all I ever cared about.
Life comes crashing down.
You take a risk and make the play, sometimes it just doesn't go your way.
It's all about trust, it's all about love.
We're playing a dangerous game.
You can win and you can lose, but there's one bold truth.
I thought I couldn't live without you.
But who am I? Just a schmuck.
I didn't have what it takes.
In the end I'm just a loser without chance.
But that's okay, because I know the truth.
In order to win.
You gotta pick yourself up and play again.


About me, who I am, what I like, what I hate.


-Kingdom Hearts, I absolutely love this series. It's ingenius. Combining Disney Characters, Square Enix Characters, original characters, all in an in depth and involving storyline. What game can possibly taking Mickey Mouse, making him a kung fu master ninja, and make it work? Kingdom Hearts. That's what.

-Naruto, since my knowledge of this show i've always been intrigued. While the Akatsuki tends to be your typical megalomanical corporation/orgnization, they're still kick a**.

-Bleach, while my interest in this wanes and ebs like waves against a beach. What a second... Where was I going with this? Long story short, sometimes I like this show sometimes I don't.

-Gundam, and when I say Gundam I mean all the Gundams. I've been into this series from Mobile Suit Gundam to G Gundam, and beyond. While I'm not as entertained by Gundam Seed and SD Gundam Force (seriously, what a terrible series.), I still enjoy what Gundam is as a whole. Probably my favorite anime genre of all time.

-Anime, while i've listed three specifically i'm a large fan of anime in general. Code Geass, Ikkitousen , Dragonball Z, Yu-Gi-Oh , Death Note, and more.

-Manga, with a love of anime mostly comes a love of manga. I can't mention anything that is really different from above though.

-Reading, I cannot stress my love for reading. Good books are better then good movies or good anime. A few of my favorites include: Old Kingdom Triology: Sabriel, Lireal, the Abhorsen,: Harry Potter, and Artemis Fowl.

-Writing, while i'm not extensively into writing. I do enjoy writing on occasion.

-Roleplaying, when it comes to Roleplaying i'm an avid fanatic. Currently I only belong to one guild but i'm interested in finding more places and people to RP with. Please be literate, that's the least I can ask.

-Literate people, I can hardly stand to even read leetspeak, chat speak, txt speak. Anything that your brain and fingers can manipulate to be even lazier then most people already are. I'm a lazy person, but I don't cut corners.

-Understanding, if someone comes to you with an outrageous and barbaric idea that you can't even hardly stomach. If you're the kind of person who can calmly disagree. You, are, awesome.

-Truth, I want people to be honest with him. Be it a friend trying to keep a dark truth from me, or someone who just doesn't want to hurt my feelings. I'm not a wuss, be straight and true. This is the internet, it's not worth lying over. Even more so being upset over.


-Stupid people, this is first on the list. Any peabrained simpleton slab of inbred imbecile that decides to crawl from the darkest corner of the forums and irritate me. As a forewarning. Any stupid people that bother me will be attacked with a string of literate insults and big words. I have stupid people poison and i'm not afraid to use it.

-Whiney people, don't come crying to me about your problems. I only listen to problems my friends present, not some random person who wants to share their life story.

-Illiterate people, some people may not think I need to note this. I do. While this tends to fall into life with stupid people, there are a select few intelligent people who chose to either use leet speak or shorthand. Perhaps they simply prefer to talk like half the keys on their keyboard aren't there. I don't care for it.

-Fanboys, hate something just because someone you don't like likes it? .. Get over it. If I hate someone who loves Naruto, i'm still going to love Naruto. To do otherwise is really childish. Which brings me too...

-Childish people, yet another variation of stupidity. While not all immature people are naturally stupid, in some form or another they suffer from stupidity. In all cases literate insults and big words will typically cause them to become confused and begin a long string of insults and curse words. Your que to report them. You're not breaking TOS, you're just giving facts right?

-I have many more dislikes for this list, but I don't want to seem too much like an a*****e so people will avoid me.

All in all, I really am a nice guy. Easy to get along with, fun loving, always up for some random conversation just in order to pass the time. Just avoid the dislikes mentioned above and we should get along fine.


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Genuine Danger Report | 07/10/2012 3:49 pm
HOLA! dramallama
Genuine Danger Report | 07/02/2012 6:52 am
Genuine Danger Report | 08/05/2010 10:06 am
BUMP! exclaim
Genuine Danger Report | 07/09/2010 9:07 am
Genuine Danger Report | 07/08/2010 9:28 am
CrimsonAngelofLove Report | 07/04/2010 9:29 am
Happy 4th of July hun
online_wikipedia Report | 07/01/2010 11:29 pm
Genuine Danger Report | 06/24/2010 9:09 pm
Add comment
Genuine Danger Report | 06/23/2010 7:27 am
BOOYA! I sold one of my items!
Genuine Danger Report | 06/21/2010 7:07 am
No riding the pony!


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