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I like fanfiction.

and sleeping.

and snuggling beneath warm, warm, lovely blankets during cold nights.

and watching History television and Food Network.

and Slash. I love slash.

and doing nothing.


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Calcaneal Report | 11/07/2012 10:37 pm
cool avi
xX_Ari Eli_Xx Report | 10/26/2012 10:43 pm
xX_Ari Eli_Xx
for the form do as u like ^^
i'll accept it no matter what
xX_Ari Eli_Xx Report | 10/26/2012 10:42 pm
xX_Ari Eli_Xx
oh well if you play lots of zomg then that will help you boost ur money :O
i hear that if u reach the highest level the more money you will get. also playing lots of booty grab can help as well commenting at forums biggrin
if u play booty grab and fix ur aquarium, every time u glow ppl will play and what ever they get u'll also receive.
so if u glow try making many players go to ur aquarium biggrin
xX_Ari Eli_Xx Report | 10/26/2012 10:34 pm
xX_Ari Eli_Xx
Lol we're still new so we dont have many members >.<
but we're doing fine and we're very active with announcements biggrin
so I think u'll learn the members faster xp

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lol I'd help you with the quest but I am broke now sweatdrop sweatdrop
maybe in the future wink whee
xX_Ari Eli_Xx Report | 10/26/2012 10:26 pm
xX_Ari Eli_Xx
haha same here XD
I was like completely ignorant on the members for 3 years before i started to get to learn who was who XD
but now its like I know mostly anything related to them sweatdrop sweatdrop
hey u wanna join my guild? :3

Oh i remember i wanted that item some months ago, but then i gave up emotion_donotwant
I was like nah dude, aint worth my money and time. emotion_facepalm
xX_Ari Eli_Xx Report | 10/26/2012 10:11 pm
xX_Ari Eli_Xx
What you like TOP??! xd
you listen to u-kiss and then I will invite you to my guild! ;P
so can i ask why are you selling so much? :3
lol just curious, though I think I kind of know
xX_Ari Eli_Xx Report | 10/26/2012 7:55 pm
xX_Ari Eli_Xx
Don't worry we all start at the bottom biggrin
unfortunately I'm a lame-o at drawing so I hope you're better then me..? xd
Though my sis Does know how to draw some-what decent. sweatdrop
I'm more into kpop and all. emotion_facepalm
You can ask me anything of kpop and I may be able to answer you. emotion_yatta
But then again, I don't pay much attention to much of anything, cuz 50% of my life has been at LalaLand. emotion_awesome
xX_Ari Eli_Xx Report | 10/26/2012 7:43 pm
xX_Ari Eli_Xx
Haha that was unexpected! xd
So yeah. xp
I saw one of your comments, do you draw manga? .O.
xX_Ari Eli_Xx Report | 10/26/2012 7:36 pm
xX_Ari Eli_Xx
Thanks for the super great discounts on the eggs. blaugh
I wouldn't have been able to make the item without your help. 3nodding
So now that business is over for the time being, how about we get to know a bit more? biggrin
White Exile Report | 10/20/2012 11:55 pm
White Exile
psst bro.


Questing for:

sainte ciel: agape

Also want for my avi ---> Vivacenote, Antique Shop, Little Lucie, Runcible Spoon sad

Donations would be really helpful and greatly appreciated! heart

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