My Avi. :3

YumeriaFreak's avatar

Last Login: 03/08/2022 12:12 pm

Registered: 11/02/2007

Birthday: 06/09


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Meditations of YumeriaFreak

This is just a random journal that I'm composing of things I feel like writing and posting.


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loveholic_x Report | 08/05/2010 6:40 am
you were on gaia! ahhh haha play zomg with me? i didn't realize you could make bank doing ss runs!
KhristinAnnBritney Report | 06/13/2010 10:12 am
sorry been busy happy belated birthday
loveholic_x Report | 01/24/2010 5:59 pm
really good, but now I have to write a satire..
loveholic_x Report | 01/21/2010 9:04 pm
Ugh. Mr. Mark needs to chill the ******** out.
Why would I feel rushed? I got plenty of options and time, I'm not worried.
loveholic_x Report | 01/21/2010 8:56 pm
Mark's going to b***h about it sooooo much oh gahd.
Dude, chill. I need time to decide.
loveholic_x Report | 01/21/2010 8:04 pm
Jazz Fest was really fun! smile
I haven't gotten my date yet, I still haven't decided who I'm going to ask..
I have homework too & I wasn't in physics class today so it's gonna be tough.
And of course, Mr. Mark totally bitched about how I had to be there. blah.
loveholic_x Report | 01/20/2010 9:00 pm
I don't have that much homework but I was looking at the curriculum guide trying to decide what classes I want to take next year. I am so confused.
loveholic_x Report | 01/19/2010 9:18 pm
It would.
UGH I cannot possibly do homework right now. Too tired.
I'm doing it in the morning. Goodnight!
loveholic_x Report | 01/19/2010 9:12 pm
Chop them, flush the pieces down the toilet.
loveholic_x Report | 01/19/2010 9:08 pm
Yeah but I don't want to rape them.. ew..

Leaves of YumeriaFreak

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xxxxxxxxxWelcome to Yume's profile.xxxxxxxxx

Most likely you're lost or loveholic_x, but that's fine. Take a seat.
Guess I have to tell you about myself. Call me Yume or Parakiss.
Both those names are from animes. Don't bother asking for my real name.
I don't do that or signs for safety reasons. So don't try, unless you like epithets.
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What should I say?
Here's a list of things I like:
✿ Kpop, Jpop, Cpop (kinda a super music fan)
✿ Computer games like MMO's, RTS's, and RPG's
User Image✿ Tekteking (I'm in 3 shops and do contests)User Image
✿ Love Chinese food, sushi, and all other foods in that order.
✿ Anime. I've seen a TON, but not too recently
✿ Family Outing and some other tv shows
♥ All in all, I'm a super azn >.<♥
♠I'm Chinese, but I love all things azn♠
♦I've done a little bit of everything, and I know a little something about everything♦
♣ I'm on Gaia a ton, so just drop by one of my threads and chat♣

iTektek 『 here 』, 『 here 』, and 『 here
iChat 『 here
iMusic 『 here 』 and 『 here 』.
iLive 『 here 』 and 『 here

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I'll love you forever. :3


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