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heart "Love is where I am and where I wish to stay..."

thank you to everyone I love heart

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(lol yes that is me)

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Yes I do Like some Girl on Girl animes thanks for asking razz

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Viewing 12 of 159 friends


Meisco's life journal, and other stuff ^-^

this is my journal and other things I like to talk about.

hi i'm meisco, and this is my life, and other stuff... in my journal teehehe ^____^



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/05/2019 8:42 pm


l|_\ \\ ワァ──ッ!💕
|🍀|\\  ∧∽🎀
|口| \\( ・ω・)
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|口|    \\つつ\
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⌒"~ ̄"~⌒゛゛" ̄ ̄ ̄

Report | 04/18/2015 11:32 pm


*Blows off dust* well 4 years cool to see everything's in good shape lol
together we will shine

Report | 01/26/2012 12:49 pm

together we will shine

Going to be? I'm not sure. :c They've released all three seasons, I dunno if they planned anything else to go along with it.

I WANT THEM, THOUGH. The packaging is gorgeous. It's like all black with silhouettes and the only color is like the hair? Outfits? I dunno, it's pretty minimalist and the style is very Utena-esque.
together we will shine

Report | 01/22/2012 11:29 pm

together we will shine

Yep. :c I watched the entire series for the first time shortly before the remastered edition came out. I really want to rewatch it all remastered, because oh my goodness, it's GORGEOUS.
I was at an anime con and went to a panel hosted by The Right Stuf and they were showing trailers and stuff of the DVDs and products they were going to release, and they also did a side-by-side old/remastered comparison of Utena and oh my gooood. I have the remastered edition on my computer right now, but seeing the difference for the first time was amazing, haha.
together we will shine

Report | 01/22/2012 10:55 pm

together we will shine

Oh, thank heavens. So many Utena fans I meet just fangirl Akio and hate Anthy and what. >:C >:C >:C HOW CAN THEY EVEN BE THAT WAY.

I have a lot of feelings, k. I really want the box sets The Right Stuf released. :c I want them. So. Badly. But I am so poor so I just angst tbh.
together we will shine

Report | 01/20/2012 2:57 pm

together we will shine

I AM SO GLAD SOMEONE GOT IT! C: Utena is the absolute best anime, and everyone needs to be aware of its greatness. Right now I'm trying to get my little sister to watch it with me. It is flawless. Except for Akio, h8 him.

C: Sorry for being ~overexcited~. Despite how amazing it is I rarely meet people who appreciate it. On Gaia, at least. Because people on Gaia tend to have bad taste. >:C

Report | 01/20/2012 5:48 am


I'm happy for ya, especially since as of late I can totally understand. ^^;;;

Report | 01/13/2012 4:09 pm


Wow you've been livin' the life, huh? I broke off my 7+ year relationship too, with the girl of my dreams now. <3

Report | 01/13/2012 3:30 am


I don't think I've ever been better, darling. And you?

Report | 01/12/2012 11:28 pm


Whoa you're alive. When did this happen?!