Bout da bee-yotch!
my name is Rachel... or Rachie-Rach!!
mrgreen whee let's see... let's just go with the basics... all of them... LOTS of them... =P
-i'm 15
-i'm happily taken!!
heart the guy who's dated most of my friends or at least had a chrush on him...
sweatdrop but he's mine now!!
twisted -my name is not "shawty/shorty" so don't call me that... i am average height!
-going past me and calling me sexy won't make me drop my pants right there and run after you screaming "come back!! you're my soul mate!!"... so don't do it
-my dad is the biggest dork in the entire world...
stare ....besides my boyfriend... no offense Drewy!! <3
whee -my three favorite things in the entire world!!:
the phone, the overly expensive shoe, the BOYFRIEND and i know that didn't make sense so you don't need to point it out xP
-i <3 skinny jeans!!
-i <3 soccer!!
-i <3 my kitty!!....and my dog i guess... =P .... poor doggy...
-i <3 my besties Leanna, Juliana, Naja, Javier (i have NO idea how to spell his name) (pronounced hov-ee-air), Chris R and Chris W
-i have *counts fingers* five wifey's: juliana (my cupcake), savannah (my love muffin), jennifer (my other love muffin), naja (my sweet cakes), and emily (no official nickname)
-i <3 to sing but i only really try in my spare time
-my favorite color is purple... well more of a lavender or royal purple but i didn't think it was necassary to go into the specifics... yet i just did... oh well!!
-I <3 PANDAS!! OMG!! my fav animal in the entire world!! their just so cute and snuggly!!
-i <3 care bears!! i don't care what you say... care bears can beat your a** with one mighty life lesson or happy rainbow!!
- i <3 knee high toe socks
-i <3 being pampered (i lied to my boyfriend and said i didn't)
ninja shhh... you heard nothing...
-i <3 fatty foods!! and no i'm not fat... everyone says i'm gonna get fat by the end of the school year though... NOT TRUE!! i've been eating the same crap my entire life! i can make it another year!!
-if there were one fictional character i wish were real, it would without a doubt, be Edward Cullen... if i ever found out Edward Cullen were real and live ANYWHERE within the continent, i'd go to meet him... then he'd realize that i am his sould mate!! <3 EDWARD CULLEN!<3
- feel sorry for my boyfriend... he has to compete with a fictional vampire... =P i tease! Drew is my real life Edward Cullen...
....and as you can probably tell by now, i'm a dork... but my boyfriend loves me for it... i think... i'll try and get some recent pictures up soon... of me and my boyfriend... SO CUTE!! <3 ^.^ you wanna know more just PM me...

i saw this and thought of logan xD (insider)

Mii various haterz & lufferz statin random crap
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