Thank you for visiting, since you took the time to look up my page. Please take the time to read this.
Things I just don't trust: are factory built computers and Windows Vista, too bad I can't make my own laptop if I felt like I wanted one. To those who like to post pics of your comp on the internet, don't tell what's in it, that'll only make a hacker's job much easier.
Things I don't mind: Cursing, we all curse, but keep it fairly moderate so Gaia won't get on your butt which includes calling people crude names or threatening.
Things that I like: Drawing, writing, old cars (got a problem? Ol rodders have got the know how of how to convert and make them fuel efficient, take that Government, you can crush'em, but you can't crush'em all.
thank you for buying an orange guppy at my store..
if you wsh to purchase more of these kind please inform me..
i assure you that i will put your request in my store..
thank you!!!
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