If you give a s**t<3
Well, if you care at all (not like any of you would), heres the basics of my piss poor life.
Well, First off, Im 15 and femal, My name is Star, or Lyte, call me w/e you want. I'm a kitsune, so deal. I'm not gunna put up with haters and conformist bullshit, okay? Good. I have alot of real ******** issues in my life and I don't need little bitches like you trying to change and lable me to fit your little delusions, I mean REALLY OMFG just lay off or I'll box the s**t out of you.
I'm enroled in the shittiest ******** seattle public school my cheap a** b***h of a mom could find, not that I GO. I live with my older brother mostly, hes like 19 now and a total fecking drunk, I mean omg, he is ALWAYS with his stupid ******** crackwhore girlfriend. I think shes on meth, cause she looks like a sea hag and acts like a ******** c**t to me ALL the ******** time.
I haven't even ******** SEEN my shitbag father in ohmygoth knows how many years, seriously, wtf. He sends child suport but its not like mom mom takes any ******** care of me or gives a s**t about me, I dont even get half the ******** money in the checks anyway. My stupid whorebag mom is ALWAYS at work, omfg, litteraly, she ******** has, like, her DRYCLEANING delivered to her ******** ofice
so she can ******** 'nap' with her CEO or VP and get back to work so she can be away from home as much as ******** possible. She ******** hates me and would be way ******** better off if I were laying face down in a ditch some place or put a bulet through my face, then she wouldn't have to wrry about me ******** with her work and social life. And by social life i mean the ten ******** a** hole boyfriends a month.
Half of them beat me or yell at me and the other half dont even notice me at all, fer seriously.
I'm bi sexual and if you have a problem with it you can ******** off and homp the other ******** conformist nazi ambricmbie bitches.
I hate most guys, because they are all ******** jock a** holes.
But, I'd like a cute, sweet boy, whos really deep and sensitive and isn't afraid to, like be himself and love me for who I am and stuff, he has to like, love music and Inuyasha <3 he like needs to be bi curious and open minded. somebody who knows that labling people is ******** up and isnt, like a stupid trendy conformist.
OMFG LOL<3<3<3<3
Comment me!! I'll CB and totally luuuuvvv yoooo!
PM me and I'll gb2u asap
Blood and kisses<3
stay sxc, bitches<3
Judge Me
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