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Bwonzombie's avatar

Last Login: 05/11/2021 12:30 am

Registered: 02/12/2008

Gender: Female

Location: A z e r o t h

Birthday: 02/02

Occupation: M i s t w e a v e r


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You`re buying stars to shut out the light.
We come alone, and alone we die.
And no matter how hard you try,
I`ll always belong in the sky. User Image

Natasha. 26. INFP. Team Instinct.



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Decaying Harlot Report | 09/28/2015 2:29 pm
Yeah, well my feelings in regards to it is that you can't censor life and absolutely anything can be a trigger dependent on the person. People need to take responsibility for their actions, they need to be responsible for their own mental health. What they're doing is accommodating to whiny children who can't take responsibility. I'm sick of it. I had a bad night Friday, two of my posts were reported to moderator's and I got warned for it a day later. I wasn't home to see that bs, came home Sunday afternoon and just raged on the thread.

You can't say you're a place where you can talk about anything when you censor people. Some of my posts didn't even have to be deleted, I pointed out in one how different it was and how the thread was dying and they deleted it. Unlike all the posts with clear "triggers", that one had nothing in it but my opinion on how ******** up the thread has gotten the last few months. They didn't even send me a screenshot of that post, unlike the others.. Guessing because I didn't do ******** wrong.

The moderator's seem to be sort of trigger-happy in a sense, anyone they disagree with they're just going to block or censor.

Ah well though, I got much better things to do. :p
Decaying Harlot Report | 09/28/2015 11:31 am
The thread is dying anyhow, even more so than it was a few months back. I went onto my mule to check, in a nine hour period it moved five pages. Even when school was in this past spring it was moving quicker than that. The same few people keep it "alive", but I don't really see anyone sticking around much longer. 2006 dls was so much different than this bs.
Decaying Harlot Report | 09/27/2015 10:27 pm
Thank you for the tip. They finally blocked me after an hour and a half of me raging about unfair censorship in a place that prides itself on being able to talk about what you're feeling. So I appreciate it, really. (:
Melisolune Report | 09/12/2015 10:06 pm
Whoa! Checking out your profile~ I love it! At first I thought it was a Gaia default one lol.
Music takedown Report | 09/26/2010 7:38 pm
Music takedown Report | 09/26/2010 7:37 pm
Awe thank you so much for that crush comment it was so cute. xD
Music takedown Report | 09/26/2010 7:36 pm
Awe thank you so much for that crush comment it was so cute. xD
Evanescent Moon Report | 07/29/2010 9:10 pm
Yeah, I agree. I think I might get a couple inches cut off next time. :3
Evanescent Moon Report | 07/29/2010 8:22 pm
Haha, surprisingly it is a good bit shorter than it was! Even though it doesn't seem like it. xD But yeah, I absolutely love them. Although it'll take a bit to straighten them. (:
Evanescent Moon Report | 07/29/2010 5:03 pm
Aww, I hope your mom finds out what's wrong soon. D: And okayy, thanks. (: Yes, I absolutely love my hair!


You`re buying stars to shut out the light.
We come alone, and alone we die.
And no matter how hard you try,
I`ll always belong in the sky. User Image

Natasha. 26. INFP. tumblr.


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