About England
Country Representation: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, also refered to as England
Human Name: Athur Kirkland
Age: Looks about 23 but is really about a millenia old
Personality: Average mannered and polite, gentlemanly at times and irritable at others. Seems to have developed a stand-offish type personality at times due to living on his own for hundreds of years. If you get past his biting remarks and caustic moods, he is actually quite fun to be around and has a bit of a Tsundere complex. At times this Ex-Empire can be just as loud and ramboucious as another certain egotistical country.
Terms of Country's state of Being: As of Right now he doesn't seem to be very ambitious and has come to terms with his status as an Ex-Empire. Despite this he still has responsibilities due to British owned territories and the commonwealths.
And now I wish to go shoot myself for posting that picture. [[It was taken at Otakon 2010 by acParadise]]
And now onto the new fail cosplay attempts by me, these are all from Katsucon 17 on Saturday.
...Oh bloody hell I look aweful here, I was trying to look cool and collected almost with an air of disdain but nope I look blank and emotionless...like sweeden. Taken by SmilejadePhotography.
This is one of the better cosplay attempts by me, was taken by Seatalia for an impromtu Revolutionary war photoshoot.
Think this one is one of my favorites of the Photoshoot though. Dramatic picture is Dramatic. Taken by my heart Yomi-oneechan over on Deviantart.
Comments, because It'd be lovely to chat about something other than the weather
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"Can I at least chew on these like easter candy?"
"Hey big sister I want you to be a sexy bunny for Easter~♥" imaging it in her head grinning more.