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Wishful Thinking



Passing through a dying world, she embraces the cold chill of night, welcoming shadows and the demons that inhabit them. This is who she is, but not how she is known. These are the thoughts of a lonley girl that was revived by the love of friends, FiresCreek



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Kuro DoraNeko XIII Report | 01/02/2013 11:29 am
Kuro DoraNeko XIII
Just a quick message saying that I miss you, you beautiful girl~ Can't wait to see you again heart
Odi the Doraneko Report | 04/05/2011 2:04 pm
Odi the Doraneko
You are a fish.
Odi the Doraneko Report | 08/14/2009 8:45 am
Odi the Doraneko
I am happy because I have lunch with Allie, Kristen, and Sean! Now I am no longer alone!
Odi the Doraneko Report | 08/13/2009 9:24 am
Odi the Doraneko
Hannah has Gym 1, Cooking 4, and Lunch 6.
Odi the Doraneko Report | 08/13/2009 9:22 am
Odi the Doraneko
I do not have Rach's actual schedule so I cannot tell if you have any classes together. I only know the classes we have together and I sent Allie a message asking about her schedule, but still waiting for a response.
Odi the Doraneko Report | 08/13/2009 9:21 am
Odi the Doraneko
And just incase, here is Pyro's schedule:

1 English 4 CP
2 ART 1
3 Gym
4 German 4
5 Ecology
5 Anatomy/Physiology
6 Lunch
7 Algebra 2 Concepts
8 Fall Chorus
8 Spring Chorus
Odi the Doraneko Report | 08/13/2009 9:20 am
Odi the Doraneko
I know. I have Physics alone, Gym with Rach, English with Kaku and Rach, Lunch alone (emo), Anatomy/Ecology with Rach, Pyro, and Kaku, Piano alone, and Trig/Pre-calc with Kaku. I have no classes with Devon. Devon, Hannah, Pyro, and Kaku have 6 period lunch. Rach and Devon also have nothing together. Here is Devon's schedule, see if you have any classes with her:

1- Gym
2-SRA Math 1- S1
2-SRA Math 2- S2
3-Probability Statistics- S1
3-College Math-S2
4-German 4
5-English 4
8-Forensics Psychology- S1
8-Forensics Science- S2
Odi the Doraneko Report | 08/12/2009 4:51 pm
Odi the Doraneko
Hey, here is my school schedule:

1 - Physics
2 - Gym
3 - English
4 - Lunch
5 (S1) - Anatomy/Physiology
5 (S2) - Ecology
6 (S1) - Piano
6 (S2) - Piano
7 (S1) - Pre-Calculus
7 (S2) - Trigonometry
8 - Early Release
Odi the Doraneko Report | 07/13/2009 6:18 pm
Odi the Doraneko
Nation's name: Lietuvos Respublika (Republic of Lithuania)
Capital: Vilnius
Language: Lithuanian
Birthday (Independence from The Russian Empire): February 16th
National flower: Rue
Human name: Taurys Laurinaitis
Height: Unknown
Age: 19 (appearance)

Exists as the eldest brother of the three Baltic states, used to be a member of the Teutonic Knights, but established independence as the Kingdom of Lithuania after a rebellion against Christianity but was often pursued by German knights hoping to convert them into Christianity. After that, became a commonwealth with Poland and peacefully converted to Christianity. But was taken over by Russia after a fight over the annexation/partition of Poland. A good-natured person who likes to take care of people, and even though he has the Baltic attribute of being introverted, is the type who will take one into his heart when he gets used to that person. But, perhaps it is because of this sort of personality that he holds the infamous record of having the highest suicide rate of the world. Loves martial arts and literature. Also, his car is definitely a second-hand car. Is particular about taste, and is known to use many flavors of ketchup and mayonnaise in a day. Poland's nickname for him is "Liet".
Odi the Doraneko Report | 07/13/2009 6:17 pm
Odi the Doraneko
You is Lithuania!
Kuro DoraNeko XIII

My love