Viewing Kyoya_Ohtori-sama's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Kyoya_Ohtori-sama's avatar

Registered: 05/02/2008

Gender: Male

Location: 5th Floor, 3rd Music Room, Ouran Host Club

Birthday: 11/22/1980

Occupation: Ouran Host Club Shadow Manager, Professor (University), Newpaper Writer/Photographer

Ohtori's Web-Relations Page!

This section is dedicated to my most Favorite Angels who help me in the World of Gaia whether financially, e
motionally and even in most cases spiritually! lol

To: An anonymous benefactor- Thank you for the Cupcake Fluff! heart

To: Julia Kawanova - Thank you for the Naughty Critters: CMYK Bundle Gift! heart

To: Cherry-Flavored Sigh - Thank you for the giveaway: Counting Sheep, you have gifted me! heart

To: THE Red Corpse - Thank you very much for the 9 gifts/consolation prizes my lady Corpsey! heart

To: Anonymous Benefactor - Thank you very much for the Faustine's Bottle gift! heart

To: Misery Mannequin - Thank you very much for the gift: Hana Zukare and for the help! heart

To: Julia Kawanova - Thank you very much for the bundle biggrin inner Theater: Wacky Wedding Bundle, gift! heart

To: Potassa - Thank you very much for the gifts you sent me: Gentle Starlight Keeper, Christian Siriano's Gold Brown Feather Gown, Spirited 2k21 Scarf, Haphazardly Clownin' Around, Azure Immortal Veil, Summer Crane Empress, Coral Flutter, Gakuen Love: Girl's Side, Cupid Lips, Day Dreaming Runaway, Shironuri Bloom, Cursed Hind of Avalon, Cheeky Arms, Unexpected Sweet Invitation, Cafe Bubblegum, and Sad Princess Lulala! Wow so many gifts thank you very, very much! emotion_bigheart And thanks for all the Trade of Gifts or Freebies you sent me and also for the Princess Kaguya! TYVVM!
To: mizoryluvsme = Thank you very much for the Gift Trade of the ff items: Gimpi 8th Gen, Death Juggler, and Dark Magus! TYVM! heart

To: An anonymous benefactor - Thank you for the gift: Wyvern Fluff! TY xd !

To: Paper Mache Dollfie - Thank you very much for the 3 gifts, I will only open them on Xmas day! wink Paper Mache Dollfie = Thank you for the gifts of: Gin the Kitty, Yummy Nummy Gummy Bears and Pamplie the Ragdoll Cat! TYVM! heart

To: 0-Rangiku-Hitsugaya-0 &/or Mrs Yachi-san - Thank you very much for the Gift Bomb Trade you sent me! I am thankful to your kind and generous spirit, TY again! heart (Contains Several EI and REI and Bundles! Namely: Alruna, PIcol Urn,Trick or Treat, Nano C, Death Whisper, Imaginary Friend, Carol of Nick and Ebezere, Case of Pietro.Fremere's, Seracila and ect.) Thank you again! heart

To: An anonymous benefactor - Thank you for the gift of: Starkeeper's Midnight Astrolabe, anon!

To: An anonymous benefactor - Thank you for the gift of:Custom Cut Couture anon!

To: Mikazuka - Thank you for the gift: Respectable Alpachico! TY! smile

To: An anonymous benefactor - Thank you very much for the gifts you gave me: Hymn of Faith, Somber Deciduous Allies, and Super Weekend Sale Purple Bundle! Thank you very much! gaia_kittenstar

To: An anonymous benefactor - Thank you very much for the gift my quest list: Shadowlegend I appreciate the help in getting them, thank you very much! gaia_bear

To: Eris Cadrin - Thank you very, very much for the gifts from my quest list: Fragments of You and Jade Benevolent Yang! I appreciate the help in getting them, thank you. gaia_bear

To: THE Red Corpse - Thanks your for the following gifts I just opened them!:Zoku Inari's Beads (Yuki no Tama), Tama the Adventurous Warrior, Tama the Modest Warrior, Tama's Basket, Zoku Inari's Beads (Yugure no Tama), Tama the Plucky Warrior, Rookie Shinobi Bundle, Tomo's Basket, Tama the Dark Warrior, and Inari's Revival: Yugure. Thank you very much for the 14 Christmas Gifts you have sent me, The freaky yet sweet and kind Mrs. Santa Claws friend! Thank you very much for the following gift/s:Black Knight Vanguard, Pink Konpeito,Cool Drumming Enthusiast, Flintlock Gunblade, Starcrossed Lovers' Tragedy, Firebird Feather Broom, Bento Bunny, DandiiDooDad Spore 2nd. Gen , and Dante's Divine Verdict, thank you so, so much! heart and THE Red Corpse- TYVM for the ff; Xmas Gifts Corpsey!: T-1 Medi-kit, Light Soul, Purrfect Mien, Paired Things, I am Pawsitively a Star, Aerial Ribbon Dancer, The Wild Things: Brown Wolf, Respectful Prince of the Dragonflight, Kindred Eerie Ghost Lantern, You got: I am Pawsitive, Beary Small Things, Baby-kun the Kitty, Gin the Kitty, and White Kitty Mood Bubble! TYVM!

To: Anonymous Benefactor <> a secret santa - Thank you very much for the gift: Lumiere Noire! heart

To: IAdorkableKitty2 - Thank you very much for the Birthday Gifts: Polar Tear and Mystery of the Stolen Sapphires 2nd Gen. gaia_bear

To: sneaky anon - Thank you for the: Sinful Luna Moth gift!

To: An anonymous benefactor - Thank you very much for: The Nightmare gift! heart

To: Whiskey Business - Thank you very much for the following gifts: Craft of Espionage,
Crystal the Angelic Cat [SSS Quest List], and Lumiere [SSS Quest List]! Thanks so much! heart

To: Eris Cadrin - Thank you for the Rookie Digi Daemon gift!

To: Potassa = Thank you for the xmas gifts! Thank you very much for the gifts: Dreamy Hunter, Boundless Space,Cursed Hind of Avalon, Tummy the Bear and Sleepytime Vitamin C Bed. Thank you! xd

To: YelIowfang = Thank you very much for the freebies trade!

To: Fogart = Thank you for the gift: Machia Stroll, TY!

To: Shard-Face = Thank you very much for the gifts: Eternal Emperor, Le Carousel 2nd Gen,Hanakage's Dance,Monsieur Panda, Cartier the Dragon, Spirit Reborn,Cafe Miam, Runcible Spoon Renewal, and Warm Dragon Kween Tresses. Thank you very much for your kind and generous spirit and thank you for being a friend man!

To: Jesse Inferno = Thank you very much for the freebie items trade of 4 bundles!

To: Chasing Creepers = Thank you very much for exchanging your items with my alchemy items thru multiple trades, thanks!

To: Dreamy Skies Mule = Thank you very much for the Item & 5k platinum Donation Trade, I am very thankful for your sweet kindness. Thank you very much also for the gifts: Le Carousel 2nd Gen., Astounding Supplicant Prince, Vivid Rainbow March, The Briar Witch, Minthamella, Milk the Cat, and Valiant the Exotic Shorthair Cat , Thank you very much for the help and the gifts! heart

To: Purrsephone = Thank you for the gifts: Coordinating Things, Orifiel's Wings,Kuro's Induction, Petit Cheriex2, Knight of the Cobalt Flame, Egyptian Jewelry Box, TYVM (updated)!

To: Celebiest = Thank you for the gift,Audio Starlet Blue Rei!

To: smileyteaspoon = Thank you for the trade of items donations for my Charity thread! Thank you very much for the help! And Thank you very much for the gift/s too!

To: Not gay as in happy = Thank you very much for the Gift Trade!

To: kissthisangel15 = Thank you very much for the 3x trades of junk items/item donations. I will be using it for my planned Charity Thread Reconstruction! Thanks again.

To: R0yal Drac0phen = Thank you very much for the gift of Lotus of the Emperor!

To: L0CKB0X = Thank you very much for the following gifts: Sinfully Sweet, Meracle Swimmer,Guang the Golden Qilin, Lisa the Baby Alpaca,Mystery of the Stolen Rubies, Knight of the Cobalt Flame, Mad Hatter Bundle, Machia Stroll ! Thanks so much man for the gifts. I hope to become friends...

To: chazzlover = Thank you for the Tiny of my Howl Cosplay! User Image

To: Pesty Elf =Thank you for the Items Trade!

To:kids killing kids = Thank you for the Trade of Giveaway Bundlesx5!

To: Anonymous Benefactor = Thank you for the gift of Twilight Don't Give A.

To: Magikarp used spIash = Thank you for the return Gift Trade of: Nartian Rock and Angelic Wind, & Gift of Jinxi's Charm, Thank you very much!

To: orlando18 = Thank you for the items trade! Good Luck & God Bless on your life outside of Gaia!

To:l K E L L Y x3 l = Thank you for the donation trades!

To: HoneyPotatoes - Thank you for the Fairytale Pomiandi!

To: Melty Witch = thank you for Yama no Tamago 2nd gen!

Thanks to *The Red Corpse* for being an angel and for always sharing her blessings, with others and me. Thank you for choosing my avatar outfit as one of your thread winners and for the lovely set prizes.

Thanks to *arsenic laced dreams* for the donation for the Japanese themed clothes, and gold that helped us at DRYNQ quest thread a lot! And Also for her generous donations (to me!) of a Gro gain and an Enchanted Book, and several other MC's! Love you!

Thanks to *Rogue Loreseeker* for her donation of clothes and gold for my Kyoya_Ohtori RP!

Thanks to: *Raine_Amara-koi*, *Ami_no_Crabtree* and *Annika_BloodRaine* for being good friends that a man could ever have....and also for first giving me clothes...and guiding me even when I was a newbie...and a fellow newbie with me at the start...

Thanks to: *nyiragongo* for his donation of Dark Elves Items, and Dreamer's Dust Arigato It helped me a lot in my Halloween Hysteria Quest,and for my Dream avi!.

Thanks to: haru-chan11 for her gift of permafrost I really love it!

Thanks to: Lord Tamaki-sempai for fulfilling on of my dream avi's "Kyoya's Bathtime" by donating the items. It really helped me! Arigato

Thanks to my anonymous benefactor who gave me the Dec. 2008 Thank you letter! Arigato!

Thanks so much too Gofer_Goddess for those wonderful donations I really appreciate them!

and thanks again to the many people who want to stay anonymous even though they helped me! ARIGATO minna-san!

My Year Round Wish lists

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The Sakura Blossoms are Falling, and I'm all Alone in Solitude...

KYOYA'S Extreme Wish List:

Please help me obtain the following items, any help would be appreciated!
(I will immortalize your name on my profile!)
Seraphique Collection: Jacket -gifted by Seannzzy. Thank you!
Annonymous Benefactor Legendary Mage and AFK Scarf - thanks for helping me on the quest for my Koibito's birthday quest!
Inverted_Demon_Riana for the 3 wish list gifts thank you!
x-Kemetic Phoenix-x Golden Victory and Silver Laurels - Thank you Very Much!
Ellie the Magnificent for Spirited 2K11 Thank You!
Thanks to Creepy Nightmares x_x for gifting me Benny the Puppy!
Thanks to APhoenixBornInTheAshes for the Zombie feed me shirt!
Tamwyn Flameon for the gift of a Gambino NekerChief Thanks!
ebrahbrah for the trade of 2K11 Spirited Xmas event Items Thank You!
Thanks to Tamwyn Flameon for the Gift of AFK Scarf. Thank you very much
Fausto's Bottle = gifted/donated by an Anonymous Benefactor Thank you So much!
Valentine 2K12 = donated by APhoenixBornInTheAshes. Thank you very Much!
cherryblossomssong thanks for the help on my event items quests!
I heart Waffles T Shirt - thanks so much ePinayCutiePie!
Pandemic Medicgifted by EnnaKhaos7 thanks so much!
Shamisen gifted by zhuu thank you so much!
Owlpocalypse - donated by APhoenixBornInTheAshes. Thank you very Much!
Hermit Cat/fish - gifted to me by Muun Laydee Arigato!
goldfish -gifted by Zelos Peace Arigato!
Alruna's Rose - gifted by Gofer-chan, Arigato!
Ice Prince - gifted by my beloved koibito!
Royal Wizard -gifted by Lady_Phoenix_Siri Thanks so much!!
Lunar Sash - donated by gofer-sama!
Princess Kaguya, Mana Seed, Inari Beads and Seracila Pendant (for my Sweetheart)
Will O Wisp - gifted by Dramatica Away II Thanks so Much!!
Koi , Gothic Butterfly -koi donated by the angelic Muun Laydee Arigato!!
Black Wolf (for me) - donated by an Anonymous benefactor, thanks so much!
Secret Retreat 7th Gen
Smok the Baby Dragon- Gifted by reiane-san, Thanks so much!!
Thanks reiane-chan for the lovely Puppy Love Plush!
Apprentice Charm (for my koi/girlfriend) -thanks so much reiane-chan for helping me quest for this item. I am very grateful!
Diamond Yukata = donated by Little Zinnia thanks so much!
White Vaudeville Cane = donated
Mistletoe band = thanks for the Shisoma
Apocalypsmas items, Moga and pants=thanks to Doctor Sebastian Cornell
A Special Thank you to Stacey dono for her donations for my Mini-Charity Thread and for me!

Thanks to x-Kemetic Phoenix-x for the gifts of Golden Victory and Silver Laurels - Thank you Very Much!

Thanks to Tamwyn Flameon for the Gift of AFK Scarf. Thank you very much

Thanks to Anonymous Benefactor for the Fausto's Bottle. I am very thankful!

Thanks to APhoenixBornInTheAshes for donating Owlpocalypse! I am very thank full!

Thanks to Lady_Phoenix_Siri for gifting me Royal Wizard I'm really grateful!

Thanks to reiane for gifting and help on the following EI and MC item quests:
Secret Retreat - thanks so much!
Smok the baby Dragon - thanks so much!!!
Ice Prince- OMG!! Thanks so much
Apprentice Charm (for my girl) - she helped me get this thanks so much!!
Thanks again reiane-chan for the lovely Puppu Love Plush!

Thanks to my Summer Secret Santa partner 2010 for:
My cute Candy Corn Fish- arigato I love them!
My two babies! Changeling baby girl and boy!
And My new EI Alruna's Rose and A Thanks Letter for May 2010 Arigato Gofer_Goddess I am so grateful!

NOTE: Currently Under Edit and Update....

(or any other Cute but manly Plushies, MC's EI's!)

Secret Retreat 7th Gen- Gifted by the generous reiane-san! Thanks so Much!!!
Unicorn - Thanks for the Birthday Gift Dramatica AwayII!!
Gogh Reed
Inari's Beads
Daper Dandy
Compass of Seidh
Ninja Gear
Royal Wizard
Noel's Gift

Oh well, I'll just gaze at these Sakura Fubuki, while I await for a conversation.....

The Ouran Host Club's Aqua Garden

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


From the Laptop of Kyoya Ohtori-sama


Yokosu to Ouran DaiGakuen's (University) Host Club!

I am your host Kyoya Ohtori,

(PROFILE: I'm 1/4 Japanese and 3/4 Filipino, Although some would say: 1/4 Chinese,
1/4 Japanese and 1/2 Filipino! My Kachan's Chinoy and Touchan's Japoy! rofl
I have siblings, they're all in abroad, How many are we...SECRET! But I'm the only one living in the Philippines...
But here is a hint in Filipino: "Ang Pamilyang Maraming Anak, Ang Tatay ay Manyak!" (Joke lang baka karatehin ako ng Taytay ko! rofl )
40+ (ehem! I am in my 40's going on to 50!)years old,
Pre-Law Bachelors degree graduate with Education and Masters Degree in Public Administration & Politics.
Still Hopeful to do my Law Proper...Someday... sweatdrop
University Professor (newly promoted and re-ranked Professor's Classification, Full Time!),
News Paper Writer(usually ads and other photo blurbs)/Photographer(which pays more by the way!) (Free Lance and Part Time),
I am Teaching Social Sciences at a University or College Level (10++ years now)
Specializing in the following subjects: Intro to Political Science, Comparative Governance, History(Philippine History),POLIGOV, CONWORL, PEACEEDU, and/or any Pre-law subjects...
I am also currently involved writing a Textbook/Workbook for my Department...I want to cry it's so hard... cry (Good News! We are halfway through the planned 60 Chapters! emotion_dealwithit and emotion_facepalm )
Favorite Color: Any shade of blue, green, grey, silver, black, gold and white
An Anime and Manga, Manhua, Manwha Lover...

Please take a seat and be comfortable.
Our members, and hosts and honorary hosts all aim to please!
(within reason and within context!)
Would you care for some coffee, tea or juice?
Would you like some Cream, sugar or honey with it?
Or Even Some cookies or pastries perhaps?
Did you come for business or pleasure?

Look around browse a little there's plenty of places to roam around.
Please do visit our Club Mini-Shoppe for bargains and such,
Or The main Club Room for host conversations and such...
all in all business of pleasure we of the Host Club always Aim to Please!

My Own Charity Thread for Newbies: Please do Come and Visit! I need new People to give my extra items or pre-loved items and junk too...
1. This thread is currently on Hiatus due to the delimma of whether I will Begin a New thread like it or just Reconstruct the Old one...
Kyoya-sama's Charity Giveaway for Newbies!!!

2. Junk Giveaway Thread Currently active: Junk Trades: A Junk Giveaeway Thread

The Club's Recruitment or Training Area!
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The Club's Main Building!
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Kyoya Ohtori Zaibatsu's Associates:

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Petitions I Support:

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The Charities that I Hang out and Support:
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B. User Image

C. User Image

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If you are situated please excuse me as I have more things, business and manipulations to do....starts to type ominously on his laptop with that dark sinister grin on his face.....

Ahh by the way please do come and Visit my co-owned Quest and mini-charity
D Ribbonets Yamato Nadeshiko Quest and Mini-Charity Event!

Or just click this picture to go there!

User Image]

And before you live okyak-san, please do leave me feedback to improve the Club will you....

and you are welcome to browse and stay too!




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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Quest Items gaia_uniduck All Rapid EI and Evolving Items
Threads to Visit: Gift-Giving, RNG Game, Page Contest and Giveaways!!!
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Posts per Day: 1.21

Total Posts: 7464

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The Ouran DaiGakuen Host Club's Souvenir Shoppe and Cafe!

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gaia_crown IRRASHAIMASE!!! gaia_crown

User Image tiny art made by: chazzlover

Welcome to Ouran DaiGakuen Host Club Souvenir Shop and Cafe!!!

I am your host Kyoya Ohtori-sama please do eat at the Cafe and do visit our Shop and brows around...

At The Cafe Section:
Please do choose your Drinks: cheese_whine yum_coldone yum_coffee yum_tea
Appetizers: yum_orangesegment yum_redstrawberry yum_whitestrawberry yum_strawberry yum_blueberry yum_greengrape yum_bacon yum_sausage
Main: yum_burger yum_onigiri yum_salmon yum_shrimp yum_tuna yum_hotdog yum_pizza yum_tamago
some Desserts: yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_pie yum_puddi yum_icecreampie yum_pumpkinpie yum_strawberrypie
And do get some of our souvenir sweets: yum_chocchip yum_checker yum_jammy yum_candycorn yum_candy yum_lollipop yum_applepop yum_chocolatebar

At The Souvenir Shop
As you can see the shop shelves and displays are full items for your shopping pleasure.
I also have a range of outfits for sale, so please do look to your hearts content...(the proceeds of my sale will be divided as follows:
80% to my Item and wish lists Quest
and 20% of what I earn goes in supporting my Charity Thread and Give-away Threads which is helping Newbies (new Gaians!) and other Gaians

So please do buy and support!

gaia_crown Please Be advised That I don&#039;t deal beyond the Market Place...I will not be responding to PMs...

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Bevvie by: sinscar

My Charity Giveaway Thread below will be Renovated so I am closing it for a while...
Kyoya-sama&#039; s Mini Charity for Newbies
- Currently Under Re-Construction!!!

So Please visit My Other Giveaway threads as listed as follows:
Junk Give-Away 1

Original Junk Give-away Thread

But if you like Gift-Giving Threads/GTTPAY, or Games and Contests or Events please do come and visit us at:
A Halloween Solstice Events/Activities Thread I am one of the thread&#039;s Co-Owners and Co-Moderators and In charge of the Giveaway Corner.


View Store


View Journal

The Host Club: Shadow King's Costumer Files

Irrashaimasse! Welcome to the Ouran DaiGakuen's Host Club! Here you can relax and read the following: 1. Quests Lists 2. Post Templates 3. Favorite Anonymous Letters Received. 4. Host Club's Scribbles and Notes and many more!


View All Comments

Amor Remanet Report | 02/24/2022 9:16 pm
Amor Remanet
Love your avi! heart
Annika_BloodRaine Report | 02/14/2022 12:13 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Kyoya-pare! Kamusta na? Happy Valentines and/or Singe Awareness Day sayo kabarkads ko!
Magbalita ka naman pare oh? blaugh
Raine_Amara Report | 02/14/2022 5:29 am

:* ~@Kyoya-anata: Have a Happy and Fun Valentines Day anata! heart ~ *:
BlameAoD Report | 12/24/2021 9:10 pm
You're very welcome, ty for selling. Also for that DBZ banner thing in the comment, that's awesome I love it!
star arc Report | 12/24/2021 2:50 pm
star arc
Thanks for selling. I took my time reading around your profile and I think you're awesome. Merry Christmas. biggrin
0-Rangiku-Hitsugaya-0 Report | 12/19/2021 11:12 am
No worries, I've been trying, but been busy with the holidays and such lol.
0-Rangiku-Hitsugaya-0 Report | 12/19/2021 10:51 am
I haven't had the time to add anything into my store!
maikaymon Report | 12/17/2021 8:41 am
thanks for buying c:
PEERLESSxMAVERICK Report | 12/09/2021 5:12 pm
It was fun! I like hunting, and that pie was calling out to me! I will check your store for more goodies! Thank you!
Ami_no_Crabtree Report | 12/08/2021 1:08 pm
User Image
@Kyoya-bro: I no note ko sya sa log book ng store appointments, so Saturday Dec. 11, Okay na!
Text pa kita para may kopya ka. See you this Saturday friend! xd

I just finished and completed my FF7: Sephiroth Cosplay, and FF8: Squall Lionheart Cosplay...I'm now questing for Ace and Tidus!!!

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Tiny Art by: chazzlover

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

My Bevvie Art Collection.
Made by: sinscar.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Do you want them too? Please click the last Bevvie on Display to go to sinscar's Bevvie Shop or Cafe

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.