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Buvarp96's avatar

I'll luv ya if you give me


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My bad outfit


Willow's avenge

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My vampire bride, Willow, was brutally left at the alter the day of the wedding. A handsome vampire found her crying on the porch, and offered her a chance to relive her life. She said yes, and was bitten around 1704. If you want Willow to avenge her awful ex-fiancée, please donate.

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Hazy Recollections Report | 05/13/2010 3:35 pm
Hazy Recollections
hey could u invite me 2 the house of night guild

im having a problem joining guilds
the guild button doesn't work for me
it's like a glitch
Boulajo Report | 03/26/2010 1:20 pm
I love your "Willow's avenge" story! It is cool!
gentleownage Report | 03/09/2009 6:00 am
haha yeh we do have same interest =D and hi :p
Kayleyjay Report | 06/07/2008 12:05 pm
gee fanx lol, Norway? wow my mates werent rong wen they said dat i wud meet people from all over the world lol, well hope to see u round sumtime, cya xx
catarina96 Report | 05/05/2008 6:24 am
Heia! Kan du komme og fiske eller? Ellers...Blablabla


[b:f370347d89]I heart the House of Night. Join the GUILD!.[/color:f370347d89][/b:f370347d89]

[Visit, the funniest website ever!]


Willow's goal

The girl behind Buvarp96, Willow and Buvarp(banned)

My name is Marie just like the cat. I love english people/language, books, volleyball and my BFFs. I don't play GaiaO much, but I get bored, so this is a good way to waste more time. I'm a proud 1996-model, like Abigail Breslin.

If you want to contact me while I'm not on Gaia, don't.

check it out!

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I Adopted a Twilight Chibi!
Name: Jacob, but most people call him Jake
Loves: Isabella Marie Swan <3
No Loves: Silly, stinky, awful vamps
Owner: Buvarp96
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!


Okay, so this is me. I love vampires, especially those from House of Night, Vampire Diaries and Twilight. My favorite books right now are the Hunger Games and House of Night series.
I read. A lot. I am therefore a person that likes being alone. I don't need to be with my friends 24/7, which I think of as a good quality.
I am NOT posting a picture of myself, but if you are a friend; you already know how I look. Feel free to add me or PM me, I will answer if I'm on smile

Current reading list:
Right now:Deception Point (Dan Brown)
Awaiting:House of Night: Hunted, Tempted. Hunger Games: Mockingjay (Coming 8/24/10)