Viewing Perrie Dott's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hi! I am Perrie Dott. I used to be Lyka Mai
But after I came across this I fell in love with it right away
and thought I want my avatar to be just like that girl in the picture. xp

I have been in Gaia since 2008. My friend QIXI
introduced me to this virtual world and I got hooked with it instantly!
I remember back in my early Gaia days I would hop from town after town
to literally shake tress, bushes and stones for gold! rofl
It was actually fun, except my fingers hurt from non-stop clicking of the mouse.
I even gathered garbage to have them exchanged for a nice item in the shop
like the paper crown and that cute cat band.

Now I have a decent way of earning gold which is hosting art shops.
I am not currently hosting one but my friend QIXI and I
are gonna put up a joint art shop very soon.
So that is where most of my time in Gaia will be spent on.

I love drawing and music but only drawing loves me back in return. xd
I love having a lot of friends so feel free to click that "add" button.
See you around!



Viewing 12 of 121 friends


Mai Journal!

Things I am too lazy to remember.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Three Kere

Report | 05/22/2016 7:48 am

Three Kere

Happy Birthday

Report | 02/29/2016 10:37 am


Hi besht. wink

Report | 04/30/2014 7:42 am


Hello sweetie bbeh angeeelll gurlll!!! I miss you. heart
Let us hang out in real life again soon. Was so sad I wasn't able to
catch up with you while I was living in Cebu for a whole two months.
Be good and work hard! I will cut your hair if you don't. twisted emotion_yatta

Report | 06/28/2013 8:01 pm


Oh okaaaay. We'll schedule it on a weekend since Neni has classes and I have work. crying
I'm rotating around SOTTO during that time. 3nodding

Report | 06/28/2013 7:55 pm


Oh, yeah. sad I'm-a be meeting up with Neniji though.
Wanna come with us? blaugh

Report | 06/28/2013 7:50 pm


O i c. Oh well. whee

Report | 06/28/2013 7:50 pm


Because I has no loaaaaad!! crying
I'm-a be living on Cebu for two months by November though. emotion_awesome
Also, yaaaaaay we're neighbors on towns. Go go! Make your house.

Report | 01/01/2013 10:55 pm


Feliz 2013!!!

Report | 12/28/2012 5:56 am


Oic. blaugh
See you on DN or something.
We're gonna make that evolving shop one of these days happen.

Report | 12/27/2012 9:55 am


Oh. xD How'd you earn so much gold in Westy anyway?
And, I'm about to go to sleep. Laundry tomorrow.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Can't text or anything kai
nawala ang charger sa akong phone. It's been dead for more than a week already. crying
