Viewing Magical_Dodo_Bird's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Magical_Dodo_Bird's avatar

Last Login: 09/25/2014 10:45 pm

Registered: 05/15/2008

Gender: Female

Location: Somewhere in the Universe

Birthday: 07/19

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All About Me

Hi! This is Metal Rox_UrSox, but just call me by my real name, Amber! Although I have been here for a couple years now, I still can and likely wiill act like I'm brand new! biggrin So....uh, here's the details about me!

|~Gaia Name~|
My name on here plus a helpful nickname

Metal Rox_UrSox; but just call me Metal if you wish to. BTW, I was out of muse the day I joined...was always too lazy to bother changing it...

|~Real Name~|
My real life name in case you wish to call me that


|~My Birthday~|
July 19th

|~Website Experience~|
Where's Waldo?

I can be found on Myspace, Facebook, here (of course XP), Photobucket (KatzoPics), as well as Yahoo!, AIM, and various RPGs. For Myspace and the other sites....PM me.

The personality of me

Spunky, random...even going as far as simply noobish. xD

|~Random Facts~|
Just some completely unnecessary facts that I'm telling you but you don't need to know

> I am a sophomore in high school.

> I enjoy making computer graphics...visit my Photobucket albums and you'll see for yourself. I will be taking a graphic design vocational next year, too.

> I am planning on doing academic bowl next year. (:

> I have three years of choir experience, and have had some sort of music classes since the sixth grade.

Amber <3


View All Comments

xXx DeathPhantom xXx Report | 05/01/2011 7:10 am
Pineyy ^^ Instant friended. I like your avi's hair by the way. Are you a purple person?
xXx DeathPhantom xXx Report | 04/30/2011 11:44 pm
Yushh ^^ Who might you be? o3o <33

And Rascal is pretty awesome, you must admit. She won second place ^^
Chasina Malfoy Report | 08/17/2010 2:04 pm
cool avi
Paranormaly Stated Report | 05/17/2009 6:24 pm
Well duh of course I will!
Paranormaly Stated Report | 05/16/2009 8:44 pm
Mkay. Good luck with your evolving then!
Paranormaly Stated Report | 05/16/2009 4:42 pm
User Image Like it?
Paranormaly Stated Report | 05/16/2009 4:26 pm
Oh okay. Hey brb i'm going to get on making your dream avitar. :]
Paranormaly Stated Report | 05/16/2009 4:15 pm
i thought you where going to evolve into a cat. -___-
Paranormaly Stated Report | 05/16/2009 2:26 pm
Wow! I can't get gaia cash cards. Cause if i did my Mom would find out I have been on gaia and I would be in deep s**t. So do you want me to make you a dream avitar?
Paranormaly Stated Report | 05/16/2009 1:09 pm
Ya I know. Why don't you just make a dream avitar? That would probably give you a goal to your avi. How in the world did you make 18k? Also how did you even GET that much gold. O_o


`Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly....
~Lanston Hughes


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Welcome! I am Metal Rox_UrSox, and I hope you can find something you'd like to buy here. :] Happy shopping!


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~Metal Rox_UrSox~

Always remember that you are unique, just like everybody else...