MY buissness around me.
my life
my life
My life is brilliant Your life's a joke You're just pathetic You're always broke Your homemade Star Trek uniform really ain't impressin' me You're sufferin' from delusions of Adequicy You're Pitiful (X3) It's true Never had a date That ya couldn't inflate And ya smell repulsive too What a bummer bein' you Well ya just can't dance And forget romance Everybody you know still calls ya Farty Pants : But you always have a job well I mean As long as you still can work that slurpie machine You're Pitiful (X3) It's true You're half undressed Eatin' chips of your chest While you're playin' Halo 2 No one's classier than you Lalala la Lalala la Lalala la Loser You're Pitiful (X3) It's true Your dog would much rather Play fetch by itself You still live with your Mom and you're 42 Guess you'll never grow a clue When it just sucks to be you
my guardians lol.... nah just friends
well you know what.... your mama so fat she sat on a gamecube and turned it into a gameboy ur so ugly naruto doesnt even BELIEVE IT!!! ur so retarded when ur dad said drinks are on the house you gotta latter and said where are they your so retarded when you baught a puzzle you said ummmm... its broken your teeth are so yellow u spit butter ur so hideos when you walk in the mall ppl say damn didnt know it was haloween again i'll make sum cookies to match the guys face ur so damn ugly when garra shoots sand at u it reflected back at him your teeth so yellow you painted a school bus yellow yo mama so fat people jog around her to get excerciseur mama so fat when she put on an x jacket helicopters tried to land on her!
you touch imasu and i'll jump down there and crack ur neck!
all hail naru!
wow u must be bored and u hav no life if u went allll the way down here on my profile if u hav no purpose then git the fock out!
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