Just letting people know that I was Rikku 1326, so that there's no more confusion, and I also changed my name from xX SuNnEh_d0ll Xx now too.
My signature was too full of kind people, so I now have to place them here!
SoxasTaikiWine-lo-wichWNxLuckyXIIIII KEIKI IIelyziaBrokenxBellI couldn't have done it without
any of you
crying Currently Questing: I don't know (:
I'm not that much of an interesting person, but I do have a life outside of this!!
Yeah, I kinda didn't like my last avatar, so now I put up a new one. The price is not as bad........... sorta XT
[b:86f7b61373]Thank you for all your help! I have gotten all my achievements posted in this thread~
Quest Thread
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