Viewing Princess Tsunneko's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Lol jokes
People call me Aneko, Tsunneko or Tsundere-chan so feel free to call me any of those, except the third one >.> . I'm a Hideyoshi, meaning I'm of both genders cat_razz No way in heck will I tell you my age, but I'm nowhere near being ***** status, just saying (still a shouta/loli ohoho~ cat_3nodding ). Anywaaaays, I'm a taken pansexual (that means, I don't judge by gender, it's all about personality and what not) and I love my fiance very much~ (haha, I'm too young to get married, but my fiance's 90% the love of my dreams). I'm HIGHLY feminine (or uke, as some people say), with my body structure and all, and also am considered to be a Princess, OHOHO~
bow to Our will. I love Jesus with most my heart, soul and mind (because it's almost impossible to give your all for Christ), yet I know I sin against Him, and I regret that, but I know He forgives me for that stuff, because He's just that awesome that He came and saved us from sin. Yes, call me a Jesus freak, it's true. My family's friggin amazing, even though we don't get along >D. I love anime/manga/cats/strawberries/sweets with a passion that barely anyone understands. Major gamer, singer (utaite), artist, and (partially) game designer, roleplayer, woot. If you ever decide to stalk me around, I'm either up in Rallies, or you roleplay with me. So yeah, that's the basic things you should know about me.
Feel free to ask questions if you're feeling stalker towards me and want to know more.




Viewing 12 of 23 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Zeo Karja

Report | 04/18/2013 10:53 pm

Zeo Karja

anytime blaugh hope u had an awsome b day :3
Zeo Karja

Report | 04/15/2013 10:16 pm

Zeo Karja

II Galactic II

Report | 04/04/2013 5:47 pm

II Galactic II

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY I THINK! biggrin
Zeo Karja

Report | 01/29/2013 9:12 pm

Zeo Karja

nah,its rather fun...despite never being alone...i entertain myself at least blaugh im not crazy i swear... sweatdrop
but yeah...i saw tht soda,and i just thought,its a must buy,and it was cheap
Mo' Moe,Mo' Problems is what i always say 3nodding starting now...
Zeo Karja

Report | 01/28/2013 9:10 pm

Zeo Karja

yeah,im never alone,and sometimes i get into heated arguments with the other zeo sweatdrop
but yeah,thts the soda,its called Tentacle Grape,and it has a lady being held by a tentacle on the label xD i saw it and i just thought...must have blaugh
Zeo Karja

Report | 01/28/2013 7:26 pm

Zeo Karja

well...i guess it meant alot to me gave me an outlet for the whole "split personality" thing i kinda hav xD its more or less like Yuugi,and the Pharoh in Yu-Gi-Oh,it just kinda switches,but NU was 100 percent Zeo...altho in real life when i do my "hero-ing" thts Zeo all the way blaugh also i ordered the greatest soda ever today,its called Tentacle Grape 3nodding
Zeo Karja

Report | 01/28/2013 3:26 pm

Zeo Karja

damn...i didnt know it meant so much...i woulda spiced thiings up with Rin if i knew this was how u felt about it blaugh
Zeo Karja

Report | 01/14/2013 5:52 pm

Zeo Karja

doesnt matter,it was shut down anyway xD but those were good times 3nodding
Zeo Karja

Report | 01/14/2013 5:15 pm

Zeo Karja

dont day the exploits of Zeo,Rin,Kiru,Sakura,and the entire NU shall be revealed blaugh i love Borderlands 2 3nodding
Zeo Karja

Report | 01/13/2013 4:15 am

Zeo Karja

i prefer being sky blue like rainbow dash 3nodding or rainbow.....but thts just me blaugh what haz thou been up to? ive been improving my art skills so i can turn the adventures of NU into an anime one day :3