'Nikki Vaughn c:

I'm Nicole. I'm kinda cute, if you look at me with your eyes closed.
I'm a big fan of concerts, body mods, music, girls, boys, hair dye, weed, fashion, painting, talking, dancing, smoking, walking around town at night, chillin' with friends, making friends, movies, cuddling, coffee..yeah.
Generally I'm shy, but If I feel comfortable, I'm pretty ******** outgoing. It can kinda get annoying. I can be an annoying person. oh well.
I've got the best friends, and a wonderful boyfriend.
If you want to start a good conversation, let's talk about music. seriously talk to me. I can be an a**, but i guess that's just my humour. In all honesty, I've got a really big heart, and I'm not mean, unless you've done something unacceptable. Which is rare.
Eh yeah well.
My appearance changes a lot. Well, it's mainly just my hair. It used to be pink, currently it's black. Anyways uhm I'm real. we can cam if you want. yeah i don't know.

[talk to me bby]

Pics of me
