
Hello there, I am Sacred Wind. Pleased to meet you.
If there is anything you wished to talk about or ask, send a PM I will answer with the best of my abilities

-A good Quote of mine:
Life is just a big moment, filled with smaller moments.

This is a poem I made when I first came to Gaia, so...its weird to read it so many years later as I don't pay much attention to my profile, I will leave it here for memories sake. Looking at it now, I see some truth of what someone important to me told me in those years.

I lurk...i see no one...except you......wish i could see you more often, to tell you how beautiful you are, i really don't understand...why i remain with no words when I'm near you.

But that's not the worst part of it all...I see you everyday, and I confess it, I watch your every move...and how those moves make my heart tremble, how your smile makes my day better.

Soo i always being left with one single question...
Why do i never try to talk to you??
Is it because i don't know what to say?
Is it because...i really don't have a reason for even try?

The answer is much simple in fact, im just afraid...afraid that I might love you even more, and end up with you...but worst, I'm afraid that one day...I might hurt you, and would never be able to repay my debts to you.
So I say it now without fear, I love you, and please, forgive me, for everything i might do in a future to you.

Words of a Coward: By Sacred Wind


Viewing 12 of 84 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

kyoko jun

Report | 01/16/2023 12:19 pm

kyoko jun

don't know if you get on here anymore or if you remember me.... but I hope all is well for you. emotion_bigheart

Report | 01/06/2018 7:50 pm



Report | 12/22/2015 10:00 pm


Yay! That's great to hear that. Sorry about leaving suddenly. Just kinda left without any thought for a bit but was curious of my avi was still there or not and it was. Then was wondering if friends from the past were still online. Glad to see that you are still! I will pm you next!

Report | 10/15/2015 7:58 pm



Report | 10/01/2015 7:19 pm


Sacred! Hey do you remember me? How have you been??

Report | 01/23/2015 6:45 pm


Thank you for your purchase!
gaia_angelleft emotion_bigheart gaia_angelright

Report | 04/11/2014 3:14 pm


Why can't I take the lazy way out? :C
My notification must not be working then.

Report | 04/09/2014 6:12 pm


Lol, I now I do- then I wasn't sure. I wasn't aware I even had a comment from you. xp
Exarielle BlackLaw

Report | 03/30/2014 10:05 pm

Exarielle BlackLaw

No need to thank me! ^^ Thank you kindly for selling what I was looking for at a fair price!

Report | 03/22/2014 12:07 pm


You're still around on Gaia? xp


[img:b730592d76]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b319/RealMike/My Avy Blinkies/wind2.jpg[/img:b730592d76]
The only way the moon will bright to the fullest...
would be with your smile.
Maybe if i compare the night sky your eyes,then yes there is beauty in the dark