My name is matty and i'm 17 years old and...well i dont accept random requests so ur gonna have to talk to me firsti also dont donate to strangers so dont even bug me about it
*All the pics below were drawn by xXMattDogXx not by me so stop bugging me about it

this pic below is the only one on here that wasnt drawn by matt it was drawn by tatsuki_namina

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idk why but i loked at your profile
and it made me smile
and i know Dx i dont want school to come either -hugs matty tighter- i want more time with you -kisses mattys cheek-
ah poor matty D: i go back to school next thursday or friday, it sux. -kisses mattys cheek- thank you for makeing time for me
xD matty im so proud of my self, i made a mini top hat out of duck tape and it looks amazing x3 now all i need to do is cover it in fabric
-hugs matty back and kisses his cheek- how have you been matty?