
I'm Zom.
Been on Gaia since 09.27.2003
I'm 30 years old.
The End.


Instincts of Insanity



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Salazar Scissorin

Report | 12/06/2021 3:55 pm

Salazar Scissorin

Also I just remembered that you, or at least you used to, live in Columbus. I moved to Cbus about a year ago!
Salazar Scissorin

Report | 12/06/2021 3:53 pm

Salazar Scissorin

Hope life is good for you, Zom! I sure do miss the good old days :c

Report | 12/29/2018 6:29 pm


Zoooommmmmm. I thought about you today and realized just how long its been since we talked. I think you had just moved out of Ohio or something. But anyway, I just wanted to say that I was thinking of you and hope you are doing absolutely fantastic! I miss working alongside you at the GWCI and Gaia Radio. Those were the days!

Hope all is well!
Salazar Scissorin

Report | 10/21/2016 11:01 am

Salazar Scissorin

Oh, man, that's too bad. Next time your down here we can partay dramallama
There really isn't anything. I knew the site was going down as soon as they removed zOMG! I spent so much time on there back in the day :/
Aw, that's nice of them to make that. heart
That's awesome! Do you know what the name of the site is? I'll join when it opens for sure.
And that's exactly what I mean, there is no sense of community here anymore. All the people that made this place special moved on and the staff that is left are a bunch of corporate shills.
Salazar Scissorin

Report | 10/20/2016 4:31 pm

Salazar Scissorin

I go to school in Athens, so Columbus is only like an hour away from me so it's certainly a possibility!
That's what I'm hoping for when by the time I graduate DX
I'm not too active on here anymore honestly, I'll pop in every once in awhile. I've only logged in consistently this past day or two because you commented on my profile and I miss all the friends I made on here and I've wanted to catch up with you for awhile biggrin
That's too bad sad I'm sorry for your loss heart
And nope, none out yet. We're hoping to get it released by the end of the month! I'll send you a link once its out~
I know! I would totally make a comeback on Gaia if they fixed the old features up and actually started caring about the users again. We both have spent so much time on here and its weird to see that Gaia is just a shell of what it used to be. Being on here in its glory days was such a magical feeling because of all the people I met and the things we were a part of. Makes me sad to think about it :/
Salazar Scissorin

Report | 10/20/2016 10:48 am

Salazar Scissorin

Oh, I've heard of that place! My aunt shops there all the time!
I know, right? Like when will I ever need to know how to find the slope of a tangent line? Lol. I think I'm going to go into brand management or marketing communications :3
That sounds like a neat idea! It would make things easier on you if you don't require a deadline and worry about getting everything together into one podcast.
Its kind of like Gaia-Zine or Gaia Online Magazine, but its called Your Gaia Magazine. I don't really do a lot with it since I'm pretty busy this semester with classes and work, but I offer advice when I can XD
I know! They used to be so much fun, I think thats one of the main reasons I stayed on Gaia for as long as I have lol
Salazar Scissorin

Report | 10/19/2016 5:52 pm

Salazar Scissorin

That's awesome! It was Geagle right? *tries to think back like 3 years*
Classes are okay, calculus is kicking my butt lol. And yeah, I'm a marketing major!
Gaia has for sure died, I give it only a few more months maybe a year and a half before they close their doors permanently.
I would love to see what you could do with it if you decided to revive it! I'm kind of working on a new magazine project, it would be nice to see a revival of these classic projects.
Salazar Scissorin

Report | 10/19/2016 7:31 am

Salazar Scissorin

Are you still in Columbus? surprised
Pretty good, I started college last year and now I'm almost halfway through my second year.
Salazar Scissorin

Report | 10/17/2016 9:24 pm

Salazar Scissorin


How's life, man?

Report | 01/29/2016 12:34 pm




I love you. <3

Questing DJs and art D;