An avid Rper if the story line catches my interests.
A gamer/ mostly RPGs
I have most all systems except Xbox 360. Had one but it RROD on me so I decided to not buy a new one..
I have a like of anime, mostly Mech anime such as the Gundam series. Of which my favorite series is Gundam Wing.
I have a lot of manga, doujinshi and light novels and I've read every one of them.
I enjoy Vocaloid. My all time favorite Vocaloid is Kaito, as seen at the top of the profile.
I'm an avid RPer in the Semi-lit to Lit range. I wont go writing mini novellas but I will carry a decent story as long as there is enough for me to go on. I adjust to everyone else around me as I RP. I do a variety of different topics and story lines.
I make friends with people who show me they have intelligence and can spell the most basic words like "what" and so on.
I'm nice but I can be mean when needed. I'm a sarcastic jerk sometimes as well. Mostly when I'm in towns. I apologize to the ones that I am rude to, unless you deserve it.
I ignore most people who post in yellow, pink, green or gray, mainly those who post in pastels. I have bad eye sight and I'm not going to struggle to read your posts no matter how important they may seem.
I apologize to those who leave comments. I rarely ever answer back, since I prefer private messages more.
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