
Blue is the loves. Green is the about me.

So, you nicknamed me 'Big Butt'. -.-"" But I kinda think it's cuteh. xD

Taken. <3 By the hottest thing in the world. My Sexy Goddess, aka MSG! That's not a Gaia screenname. Or it might be, but it's not my lover. : P


I thought that was cute, when you called me. >w< I love you! <333 Next time, I'll make you speak more. D:< And I'll sing too. <333

It sucks that we both can't be on too much at the same time, because we really can't talk a lot without time. D: But I still love you!

A small letter to JM:
That was the nicest video ever. <3 It made me cry so much, it's like something we should be playing whenever we feel lonely. It's sad and happy at the same time, I love it! Ahh, I wish you and I could talk more often. I'd love it if we were at least two or three hours closer together. We'd be talking all day and night, and I wouldn't care what would happen to me. Hopefully, wherever you are going, you'll be happy. Remember my prayer. ^^ Please come back soon, I'll miss you a lot. Remember me.

Could I have more artz? I tip greatly?


Some artz:

B r o c k 8D

The Demonic Coco

And look, I have 'Tek on my friends list. >:'P Suckerzz.

1. Who was the last male you talked to?
-♥ JM
2. Who is someone that can always make you laugh?
-♥ JM
3. What were you doing at 10am this morning?
-♥ School. =.=;;;
4. What were you doing an hour ago?
-♥ Taking a bath.
5. What are you looking forward to in the next 3 months?
-♥ Buying a ticket to the Philippines to see JM. x3
6. Do you remember your dreams?
-♥ Yesh.
7. Where did your last hug took place?
-♥ Does a group hug count? xD
8. Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
-♥ D:< Oh hell no, you be trippin'.
9. What was the last movie you watched?
-♥ House Bunny.
10. What movie do you think everyone should watch?
-♥ House Bunny and Transformers. And Norbit.
11. What is your middle name?
-♥♡ T____ R___ M__________ xD
12. Do you have your future children's names picked out?
-.♥ D: Now why in God's name would I have done that?
13. What brand is your computer?
-♥ Macintosh. x3
14. Who was your Kindergarden teacher?
-♥ Mrs. Hee. =.=
15. Are you taller than your mom?
-♥ Hell yeah. :3
16. Are you cold right now?
-♥ Not now, and not ever. Unless the a/c is on.
17. Do any of your close friends have kids?
-♥ Yep. But they're much older than me.
18. Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now?
-♥ Yes.
20. What is your favorite online game?
-♥ Dx
21. Do you play games on your cell phone?
-♥ Nopes.
22. Do you look more like your mom or dad?
-♥ idk, my BFF Jill? xD jk
23. Do you have a laptop?
-♥ D:< No duh.
24. If someone doesn't like you its probably because:
-♥ They suck badly? xD
25.Who was the last person in your bedroom?
-♥ Me. o;
26. What are your plans for this weekend?
-♥ To go sleep and talk to JM.
27. Do you sing in the shower?
-♥ A lot. I'm weird, I know. x3
28. Do you always wear your seatbelt in the car?
-♥ Mostly.
29.Do you eat kikiam?
-♥ What? Dx
31. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
-♥ 5 minutes old. xD
32. Do you like anyone right now?
-♥ Of course. <333
33. Ever had your heartbroken?
-♥♡ Of course. 34. Miss anyone right now?
-♥♡ Yesh.
35. Who was the last person you sent a text to?
-♥ -----
36. Are there some songs you cant listen to because they remind you of someone?
-♥ Yes,
37.Ever been told by someone they loved you?
-♥ A lot of times. x3
38. Are you happy with where your relationship now?
-♥ Hell yesh, so happy. ^^ <3
39. Do you believe in love at first sight?
-♥ Sometimes, depending on the situation.
40. Do you believe that it is best to have a friendship first then love?
-♥ Yesh.


1.Honestly , what color is your shirt?
→ Green
2.Honestly , whats on your mind?
→ JM. <333
3.Honestly , what have you done yesterday?
→ Thought about JM, went to school.
4.Honestly , have you ever been in love?
→ Yesh.
5.Honestly , feeling anything unusual?
→ As in...?
6. Honestly , is your heart still occupied?
→ :3 Yeesh.
7.Honestly , who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
→ Uh... school friends asking for help on homework. xD
8. Honestly , are you jealous of somebody right now?
→ Yeah. JM. Dx
9. Honestly , what makes you sad most of the time?
→ Time zones D:
10.Honestly , are you LOVING someone right now?
→ Yesh.
11.Honestly , what are the things you don`t want in life?
→ Time zones.
12. Honestly , do you want to see someone this very moment?
→ YES!
13.Honestly , any plannings in near future?
→ Yeah.
14. Honestly , do you love someone very much?
→ Yesh.
15. Honestly , does anyone LIKE you?
→ Not like. LOVE. xD
1. What do you do when you`re mad?
→ Exercise. Run. Talk online.
2.What`s the worst things you`ve done when you were very mad?
→ Isolated myself and stopped talking for a week.
3. Ever made anyone cry?
→ Maybe, I don't know. Ask JM.
4. Do you curse when you`re mad?
→ Sometimes.
5. When was the last time you really cried?
→ >___>
6. Ever cried yourself to sleep?
→ ...once.
7. What usually makes you cry?
→ ...
8. Are you normally a happy person?
→ Yesh.
9. Does being with your friends make you happy?
→ A lot.


• Do I Donate? Of course I do. :3 Just... only if I like you.

• Am I A Nice Person? I am led to believe the answer is yes. Just don't hate me, and I won't hate you.

• Do I Forgive Easily? Yeah, especially after a little music. :3 I think I'm addicted to the stuff.

• Do I Do Random Friend Requests? Yes, but only if it's okay wit you.

• Do I Accept Random Friend Requests? As long as I have space and a good reason for adding you [one being that you talk a lot, or are friendly], then yeah.

• Do I Do Anything For Free? Poems, Tekteks, Writing, etc. I'd draw, but my scanner sucks and I don't have too good a laptop/computer for sketching online.

• Will I Give You A Free Gift for Free? Maybe. :3

• Do I Like Friends? Does I have underwear on? *checks to make sure*

• Interests?
`Music, in general. Mainly piano... I have piano fetish. Chopin, Bach, Shostakovich, Mozart, Beethoven... I can't live without them. Or the piano.
`Marine Biology
`Funny Movies
`Scary Movies
`All Who Comment My Page... Nicely.
`I put music, right?
`Track and Field
`The Beach

• Dislikes? People who can't accept who they are and people who can't accept other people.

• Do I Comment Randomly? Of course I do.

• Why Am I Making This Long? I really don't have the slightest idea.

• Celeb Secret Crushes? If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, now would it? >;o

• Joined Gaia? 'o4, but lost the pass for it. :<

Friend bios:

Asura Kazune: My Gaian brother. :3 He's a really nice person. I met him in his own thread asking for Gaian brothers. x3 He's easy to get along with, and has good taste. ;D He's uber cool, trust me on this one. He's in the Philippines, so it's hard to talk with him. But I always find a way. xP Oh, and I'm sorry for making you wait, brother. >.< Asura is a god. x3 He is so uber cool, and I lurves my brother. When he's sad, it makes me feel all hurt inside. Like it's my fault he's not uber happy. :c Asura is a god, and gods are always happy. He should be the happiest god-person in the universes.

-iCookIerOcki-: A cool friend. x3 She's really nice and cool to talk to. We met because she met JM because I met Jm... if that makes sense. xD I met JM. She met JM. Then she met me. o: Yeah. Nice web we gots here. But yeah... she's a nice person all around, unless she's angry. Then she's scary. owo; But then again, who's not scary when they're angry?...oh right, me. =w=;

beautifulrayy: Coolest person on Gaia, hands down. :3 She has the best thoughts, the best interests, and she always knows what to do and say to make you feel better. Her quotes rock, she should be famous for that one day. She probably will, anyway. xD She helped me get over something that happened on Saint Pattie's Day that left me crushed, so she's got an A in my books. You go, ray! She's pretty too. I love you! [not in that way, kay? xD]

De Leux: This girl's art is like... woah. Just... woah. xD That's where I met her anyways. In her art shop, [japanese symbol]Origami[japanese symbol]. xD; Anyways, her avis are smokin' hot and fresh outta the oven. She's funny to talk to. And she takes martial arts. Like me! xD All lame joking aside, she's a cool person to talk to. TALK TO HER. NOW.

Torva Phasmatis: This girl is "the bombeh." Call her Torvis, she'll be your friend forever. :'D F'real, she's the definition of cool. Her art is to die for. I forget how we became friends again. xD
...owait, I remember. It was because I bought something from her store. I think it was a heartbreaker jacket. Long time ago. And she still owes me art. D'< From a few months ago. I think she forgots. Ah well.

x_Unknown and Unmentioned_x: School friend. Very short. Taken by someone ten times her height. :3 xD Just kidding [it's true though, Reuben]. She is a random queen, and has made words from easilier to doonce.... well, I made doonce, but she inspired me to. xD I won't forget how we used to just sniff Sharpies. Just for sheez and geegles. Well, Kyky, I guess we'll see who's the better musician, huh? HUH?! Track was fun, too bad it's over for now.

Mathematician Sho: Cool guy, y'know. I can never tell if he's in a good mood or not. D'< Where did we meet.... oh, in my tektek contest. He was one of the winners. And every time he would talk to me, he would ask me for my Sinister Scarf. You have your own, now beat it. D'< Hide me from him, he's gonna bring his butter knife out again. T^T

The Deity Khaos: [a.k.a. Kane] Is a real friend. :3 He's actually been one of the two most supportive friends in my life. Parents don't count as friends. We met while I was talking to his friend. And then I was talking to him too... and then we were friends. He has cool hair, and he knows it. xD He's obsessed with it, seriously. Check his profile. *shout-out* Hey Deity! Thanks! He's smart, yaknoes. :'B He lives in... I forget where, but six time zones away from Hawaii. xD Oh, and fun fact: While making Kane's bio, I realized that three "."s equal a capital "d". :'D I seriously did not know that.

Amalia Amorina: Another school friend. See his name? I encouraged him to change it to that. :'D Aaron's younger than me. Started talking to him a lot after track season. He's pretty cool, message him. Spam him. Get him mad. Just watch out, he'll probably sic some huge pitbull on you.

zohan3775: School friend! Very tall. Taken by someone only a fraction of his height...xP I guess you know two couples right now. This is Reuben. He is tall. He is the cause of most rain shadows. Well, he's the cause of most shadows in general. xD Dayum, you guys are gonna be out forever. And...and...and.... Kylie dreamed you would get shot! o:

OMFGDx3: She doesn't go on anymore. C'mon, Kels! This is Kelsey. She is a school friend again. She never goes on anymore. She wants half of my inventory to keep. She is gonna punch me if she sees this. But she won't. Never ever. Because she never goes on anymore. :'P She's cool, great at tektek... but not as good as me. :'D

x_Insomanic Junkie: She is scary. Great writer, great drawer, she knows it. I designed her avi, but I couldn't put more, 'cuz I ran out of munnys. Schoolie friend again. xD She's nice, friendly, but be careful: she'll hit you if you make fun of her or anyone she knows. o: Ain't that right, Jhadyne?

x_Miharu95: She talks a lot more online than she does irl. xD Last school friend, I think. She's really nice. Say hello to Desiree! She's shorter than me, hurrah. I designed her avi, but she was hacked and had to make a new file. That avi on now is her own making.

If you want to be on here, just ask me, and I'll make one for you!

That's all for now folks.


Viewing 12 of 43 friends



Hai, My Journal. ^ / / / ^

Thoughts, Ideas, Jokes, Feelings, etc.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/18/2009 12:42 am


Oh geez. It's been a real while.

Well, we're busy with college. It sucks.

You still kickin' with Gaia and zOMG?
Fancy Giraffes

Report | 05/28/2009 4:48 pm

Fancy Giraffes

ohmigawd <3
Mikoto Shirayuki

Report | 05/27/2009 11:49 pm

Mikoto Shirayuki

Send this heart to at least 15 people
including me.

and if you get at least 10 back you will get good news within 15 Min.!
Let"s see many hearts you get!!!!
All the best........please do ....

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¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶.. ......¶¶¶¶
¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶. ...¶¶¶¶¶
¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ..¶¶¶¶¶..
....¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶
..........¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶
..............¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶

FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore this
REAL FRIENDS: Will send it back to you
Mikoto Shirayuki

Report | 05/25/2009 8:48 pm

Mikoto Shirayuki

lol what's up daries! are you going to the prom with JM?

Report | 05/24/2009 11:37 pm


hahh, i dont hit people, nigguh.
lols! its daries! yay~

im bored biggrin

Report | 05/24/2009 8:44 pm



Report | 05/22/2009 10:43 am


o0000 that explains everything haha uhmmm...... just wondering cuz i went sts last year and yahs

Report | 05/22/2009 12:23 am


Fancy Giraffes

Report | 05/20/2009 7:44 pm

Fancy Giraffes

why it is ''O_O
i thought i drugged you and left you at a gas station.


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:-[.:Look up 'The Demonic Coco' for Pokemon:.]-:

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:-[.:Questing Gin the Kitty. Please help?:.]-: