just aki 13

just aki 13's avatar

Birthday: 10/27


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Im argentinian. I am 15 years old . i like music , singing , anime , drawing, walking and meeting new people. I lisen to likin park , paramore , michael jackson , leona lewis , and all tipes of music. I like to draw all tipe of things in differents styles were i but a little of my owns. i like to write poems , storyies , etc. I watch hellsing, full metal alchimist, full metal panic , hell girl , mermelade boy , the prince of tennis, hungry heart , blood ,death note , etc. (if not i will finish tomorrow) Well i will love to meet you and talk.


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just aki 13 Report | 11/25/2009 5:15 pm
just aki 13
it´s nothing you deserb it¡
scubbinz Report | 11/10/2009 5:51 pm
Thank you for your vote and comment in the avi arena smile
Aki Uchiha Shadow Report | 08/24/2009 7:53 am
Aki Uchiha Shadow
Hey. As soon as I get enough money, will you draw my avi for me?
maryenchanted Report | 08/22/2009 2:45 pm
thx i like yours to
crawlslikeaworm4444 Report | 08/08/2009 8:41 am
ill b ordering art from u soon
but i need to Finnish my avi 1st^-^
9tOwl Report | 08/01/2009 4:14 pm
Just type 'ink' into marketplace.
You will know what they are then.

hi , nice to meet you

Just be yourself

you know i´ll always bethere for you... but don´t cry any more you have a beautiful smile my angel.

this it´s not mine but i love it ^-^

strange creature if you want to put a name to it...

yuki... love you friend.

don´t know who is but he is really sexyy....