
captainkayclark's avatar

Birthday: 04/24


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- It's know the end of something great is coming, but you want to hold on, just for one more second...just so it can hurt a little more.-

Hey there, I am Kayla. People have a bunch of different names for me, so feel free to pick one out or make one up. I blow out the candles whenever I damn-well please. Okay, so I actually blow out the little colorful ones that always melt onto the icing on 24.04 (that is April 24th for those who put their months before their days,) every year.

I am kind of loud sometimes, and I throw my own little dance parties in the middle of class. I will speak my mind whether you like it or not. I talk to myself not judge, I got a high-five from my journalism teacher for that.

Favorite color is red, gray, blue or turquoise. Favorite drink would be Blue Machine Superfood from Naked. Favorite food is definitely cup ramen. Hate to break it to you, but I am a cat person. Although at the moment, Oliver is going crazy so I would like to lock him in a closet. I absolutely despise mornings.

I like writing....a lot. And reading also. Deutsch ist sehr interessant. My two favorite shows at the moment are NCIS and Criminal Minds, My favorite characters being Abby Sciuto (NCIS) and Dr. Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds). I am slightly nerdy....what of it?

Now, if you would please excuse me, I have conversations to go have with people. Would you like to be one of them?


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allisonsaysFIND Report | 08/25/2011 5:35 pm
wife! I changed my profile ^.^
SuperSchnurp Report | 08/05/2011 2:04 pm
Ugh. I know!
These conversations that the two of you have are oddly similiar to the weird ones that the person I like and I have. He asked me to entertain him and I told him I took that mildly sexually, then asked what he had in mind. We joke like that normally. It's always interesting. :3
I like the idea of school and animals! That'd make it fun!
Je t'aime!
SuperSchnurp Report | 08/05/2011 1:27 pm
Well, I mean, I like him and all, but my one friend likes him too, and she found out that he's been talking to me every night and flirting and stuff, so she's been giving me the cold shoulder. l: I mean, I really like him too, but it's hard when she's angry at me for it. The boy in him doesn't notice anything different about her attitude either. xp I do want you to meet them though! Maybe at the Maconaquah invitational.
It was at lunch, we were all sitting around the table and Dillion and Hannah told Matt (the ging) and I that we'd be a cute couple, then the two of them and D.j. just left. neutral We were like, "we know, but the ********, bros?"
I do approve! He's a sweetheart!
And, woah. If Jake EVER does anything, lemme know and I will find him! My friend, D.j., can get me out of trouble, so I'll be alright. (: That's good you and Gwen are getting along again though!
Yeah, you can totally be a foreign exchange student! <3 You could live with meeee and I'd be soo happy! ((:
Ich liebe dich, dearest! <3
SuperSchnurp Report | 08/04/2011 1:40 pm
Aww. <3 Thank you, liebe!
Wow. I want to kick Jake's a** if it was him. That's not cool. You don't do that.
Hopefully you can get it fixed, dear. I'm sorry. ):
Yeah, I think you would approve of them. It's becoming a daily ritual for me to talk to the two of them and D.j. (: D.j.'s my math buddy, considering he's dating a freshman in my section, lol. You'd like the ging. I'm not sure about the other one; hell, i'm not even sure about him., hahaha.
That's good about You-Know-Who. (; and, yes, it's quite an interesting feeling (the one where you're hearts racing); I like it. <3 Hopefully this keeps on going! Keep me informed! I approve of him already so it's good. smile
hahaha. I miss you, dear. <3
Ich liebe dich!

PS. we have a German girl in music theory class and i have full convos in German with her. (: her name's Laura and she's really sweet.
SuperSchnurp Report | 08/01/2011 11:07 am
So, I miss you. like. bunches.
I dyed my hair auburn and got it cut short again.
It reminds me of you. <3
School starts tomorrow and it makes me want to cry; I think we should try and hang out and write our story sometime. I honestly don't know when I'm free, but I'll try and make time, mkay?
I like two certain people. Not the same one I told you before. A ginger and a regular brown-headed boy. The second one I'm not sure about though. I'll tell you more about that one later, if something actually comes from that. Even though I am hoping it will. (:
The ginger's name is Matt. (: He's a junior, a sax, funny, cute, and the first ginger I like. He also does winter percussion and we talk a lot. He wants to hang out sometime with me. (:
What's been going on with you?
How's you-know-who? (: Good, I hope! Lemme know, liebe.
Ich liebe dich! <3
SuperSchnurp Report | 06/01/2011 6:16 pm
You, me, Liv, some others.
Party. Saturday.
Partyin', partyin', yeah!
That's some Rebecca Black for you. :3
Ich liebe dich, liebling.
SuperSchnurp Report | 05/07/2011 7:54 pm
Lol, right?
I don't know. A lot of the traditions are really meaningful. They are emotional; the only one that isnt is initation. :b
Like, winter drumline goes out to eat a lot after competitions till like 1 or 2 am. That ones another dumb one though, lol. Abby said Sam went out with them one time to make sure they didn't get in trouble, lmao. I don't know; I'll tell you more once I experience them(: I only have a tiny look at them.
I'm jealous though; Abby had like 4 pairs of Toms and wore the pair of silver sparkly ones to prom. XD
R3ignChaos Report | 05/07/2011 7:00 pm
yay! biggrin
R3ignChaos Report | 05/07/2011 6:50 pm
haha sorry about that m'dear ;P
SuperSchnurp Report | 05/07/2011 4:27 pm
ooh. that is dead on accurate. to be honest, it's scary accurate!
i hope that all becomes well though; i would hate that too. i'm just trying to figure everything out with people before i leave. like, trying to make old breaks better, ya know? i don't want to leave on a bad note. i love some of these people here, even if they make me angry or hurt me sometimes.
my day with abby was excellent. (: i hope we become good friends.
we went out to eat, shopping, & to Starbucks. it's weird; my mom trusted abby right away but it took me begging to get her to let me ride with taylor. but, besides that, i got my momma some presents for mother's day and abby informed me more about maconaquah. there's so much stuff.. ridiculous. l: they have too many traditions and stuff that she was filling me in on so i have a heads up.



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Cameron, talking about a camping trip: "So, we packed rubbing alcohol and he was like 'You can't drink rubbing alcohol!' Lightweight."

Sam, to Taylor: "Don't take offense to this, but, you're black. and you dance like black people."

Birnell at play practice: "The only form of safe sex is gay sex. Birth control for the masses!"

My dad, Christmas shopping: "You've said 'bye' twice, now get the hell out of my way."