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***The Soul Guardians XIII, Squad 10, Eighth Seat Officer***

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The Man, The Myth. The Legend....Indutrial_Pimp!!! (crowd cheers)

Hey ladies and gents, Industrial_Pimp here to remind you to spay or neuter your pets! Just kidding. But anyway, whats up with you, whoever may be reading this? Really? That's cool. Wow!!! I had no idea you were THIS exciting. Uh huh. Yeah. Uh huh. Okay, then. Talk to you soon. Bye!!!

Me In All My Splendor

Industrial_Pimp's avatar

Last Login: 11/20/2011 12:05 pm

Registered: 09/12/2008

Gender: Male

Location: San Antonio Texas

Birthday: 08/29/1990

Occupation: Bagger @ HEB

What I Am, Apparently

You Are a Quesadilla

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You are easy going and very laid back. You find a lot of happiness in life.
You're content to go with the flow, and you can't stand uptight people.

You are a loyal friend and family member. You truly put other people first.
You enjoy feeling comforted and comforting others. You believe life is about the simple pleasures.

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l Dream on l Report | 11/12/2009 12:59 pm
l Dream on l
i hear* dam my spelling sucks
l Dream on l Report | 11/12/2009 12:58 pm
l Dream on l
hey i your a fan of counting crows?
Penolo Report | 10/30/2009 7:29 pm
Drevic Report | 10/24/2009 10:38 am
I love the customization for the Soul Calibur IV. Borderlands is awesome. You getting it for the PS3? Please tell me you are because I got it for the PS3! Co-op?
What's Your PSN? I can send you mine if you want to add me.
corazon de angelica roja Report | 10/19/2009 8:43 pm
corazon de angelica roja
hey saw you said your grandmas sick hope she gets better we'll keep her in our prayers
Drevic Report | 10/17/2009 9:07 am
Oh, both games are well worth the money. First game I would give a 8.5 out of 10 and the second one I would give a 9.5. Naughty Dog is a spectacular company and the second one is astounding. The graphics, the voice acting, the gameplay... Everything was amazing. The first one was great but just not up to par with this one. I say that the next games you get should be The Uncharted Series and Demon Souls.
Drevic Report | 10/17/2009 7:01 am
No, you can play offline, but it isn't as fun. You won't be able to read messages people leave or see how they have died. It's lots of fun seeing what people are doing at the same time as you as they run around. Offline will still be good, just I think a little bit of the fun will be lost.

As far as the difficulty goes, it isn't that bad. If you have played and beaten a Ninja Gaiden game, your solid. The game does something that no other I have seen to date; you never feel like you die because of some cheap attack of an enemy or anything. If you die, it's your fault, not the games. That is the way it plays out, if you at a twitch player, you will die fast and often, but if you take your time, block, watch for an opening and then strick, your golden. Plus there is plenty of level grindan.

And I got it too! So far so good. Haven't gotten that far though because of Demon Souls and Uncharted 2 distracting me.
Drevic Report | 10/16/2009 10:47 pm
I found Homecoming to be a travesty. The controls were awful and the enemies had cheap attacks. The Nurses had an attack that would stun you long enough to were they could get in another attack. So if you ever got hit your pretty much screwed.

I just got Demon Souls. Game is so amazing. Best game I have played all year.
corazon de angelica roja Report | 10/11/2009 6:06 pm
corazon de angelica roja
lol i guess so
corazon de angelica roja Report | 10/11/2009 5:51 pm
corazon de angelica roja
lol im trying but its hard when im having to deal with v-ball and school


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