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To all ladies and gentlemen, thank you for visiting my humble profile. I'm personally a big fan of the 'arts', dueling, and archery. I have gifts in the musical and literature field. I obviously enjoy classical music as much as pop. Perhaps friendships can be made through a simple comment or a click of a friendship button. In conclusion, ditto.


Viewing 12 of 85 friends


My Journal of Odd Philosophy...

My thoughts, questions, wishes, etc... Free to comment. Geez, I really don't have much to say... So, ditto.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/21/2010 5:06 pm


what kind of girls are we talking about?? haha i don't knwo if you mean that in a good way or bad.... haha yup, Bow down to me NOW!!!! haha 4laugh

Report | 11/10/2010 5:22 pm


hahaha im going to change my clothes i can't believe i haven't changed them in like a week!

Report | 11/07/2010 2:07 pm


hahaha where are you im in rally and ur not there!! sad

Report | 11/07/2010 2:00 pm


its like chocolate brown!1 haha i like to describe it as a milk chocolate brown since my fav color is milk kind i don't really like dark chocolate

Report | 10/30/2010 3:43 pm


wow!! haha aren't you scared?? I'm too scared to go and you prolly go alone....god your so brave... I'm scared that i might get jumped or something... but thats prolly cuz i'm a girl.... your a guy so you can prolly handle yourself!! haha and no i think dying your hair ruins your hair alot!! so i never dyed my hair, plus people say my hair suits me and that i look good with the way it is so i don't wanna change it!!

Report | 10/23/2010 5:56 pm


haha oh i was talking about a public bus .. like not a school bus but like a public community bus!! haha but yeah i ride the bus in the afternoon but my mom drops me off in the morning! GUESS WHAT?? I got my hair cut that i wanted but the lady cut it too short so i hated it, but now i love it!! biggrin

Report | 10/17/2010 4:02 pm


hahaha there is nothing you can do to make me ride a bus, and ride it all ALONE!!!! haha guess im not that big of a rebel!! razz EWWWWW! I hate twins and i absolutely HATE it when people dress their kids alike especially if they are twins or triplets or anything!! Its like really? Did the store run out of other clothes? I mean i get it!! THEY ARE YOUR KIDS!!!! GET THE HELL OVER IT LADY! i do NOT want to have twins or anything that includes having copies of a child!! lol

Report | 10/13/2010 7:23 pm


hahaha sold some stuff i didn't need and i had couple thingz so i didn't think it was that much!! haha Anyways!!! Well i wanna get a hair cut in real!! My hair is starting to get longer, and i honestly like my hair short!! haha so right now i'm trying to beg my mom into letting me have a haircut! but she'll prolly say no since my sister just got it and i hate her for it because the night b4 she went i told her i wanted to cut it like up to my shoulder length and guess what? She gets it cut EXACTLY the way i told her i wanted to cut my hair and now she's like you shouldn't get it cut now since i just cut and u shouldn't cpoy my haircut! and i'm like so pissed off right now!

Report | 10/08/2010 5:33 pm


4laugh yuppers. But i think i might have a problem....I think i'm a ...shopaholic...since i just added up my outfit's total cost..... I added up all the stuff i have on my avi and i added the hair since i bought it.... and it cost me:: 92,282 gold! sweatdrop

haha SHOCKING.... anywayssss enough about my addcitions and problems, how are you feeling?? *hugz you so you would let me change the topic) hahaha

Report | 10/07/2010 8:09 pm


hahaha don't woryy about it, i haven't been on that much either!! Too busy with homework and other school stuff! I usually come on here on weekends only! redface Really? haha Thanks i worked hard on it! And plus i go a new haircut on here even though i'm still thinking about getting one in real life!! I miss you SO MUCH!! *hugz you* we need to talk more often!! or atleast through msgs!


Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess
We seek it thus, and take it to the sky
Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul knows no rest.