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他们好! Me in a nutshell 😉

Hi there! thanks for stopping by! yay you! xD lolz anyways I'm a very nice and kind person...well for the most part...i can be mean too and when i do get angry i give the silent treatment/ ignore your existence >.> . I'm really shy when meeting new people but once you get to know me I'm pretty easygoing. I'm in high school and it's pretty interesting so far. Playing the violin is my thing i just started and i love it as well as anime (drawing it too, but I'm not that good > . <). I'm currently watching Naruto shippuden, Tegami no Bachi, Bleach, Sora no Otoshimono, and The World God Only Knows

I also watch Korean Dramas (and Japanese ones)
A really good Japanese Drama that i recently finished is: Last Friends <3
Really good Korean Dramas: Three Brothers, Happiness in the Wind, Pure 19, Coffee Prince, Phoenix, and lots more~ ( I just have to look them up. . .to lazy to do so at the time)

Likes:Elephants, Birds, Squirrels, Cats, Panda's and doggies, reading, chatting, role playing ( Not to good at that either )

Dislikes: needles, needles are painful and scary, and watching my friends fall apart, not being able to do anything about it.

* The Rules of LOVE * ♥
Kiss on the lips= I love You
Kiss on the ear= You are Special
Kiss on the nose= Laughter
Kiss on the cheek= Friendship
Kiss on the forehead= I comfort you
Kiss on the neck= I want you
Kiss on the shoulder= You are wonderful
Kiss anywhere else= be careful
Playing with hair= Cant Live without you
Holding Hands= Happiness
Arms around waist= you are mine I need you
A hug= I Care
Smiling at each other= I like you
raised eyebrow and/or wink= Flirtation
Looking around= Hiding Feelings
Tender kiss on the side of your lips= You're Mine
Wetting your lips= Waiting for a kiss
Tear Drop= Im losing you
Crying= I lost you...


私のきもちです<3 Muzic~8*

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他们好! Me in a nutshell 😉

Hi there! thanks for stopping by! yay you! xD lolz anyways I'm a very nice and kind person...well for the most part...i can be mean too and when i do get angry i give the silent treatment/ ignore your existence >.> . I'm really shy when meeting new people but once you get to know me I'm pretty easygoing. I'm in high school and it's pretty interesting so far. Playing the violin is my thing i just started and i love it as well as anime (drawing it too, but I'm not that good > . <). I'm currently watching Naruto shippuden, Tegami no Bachi, Bleach, Sora no Otoshimono, and The World God Only Knows

I also watch Korean Dramas (and Japanese ones)
A really good Japanese Drama that i recently finished is: Last Friends <3
Really good Korean Dramas: Three Brothers, Happiness in the Wind, Pure 19, Coffee Prince, Phoenix, and lots more~ ( I just have to look them up. . .to lazy to do so at the time)

Likes:Elephants, Birds, Squirrels, Cats, Panda's and doggies, reading, chatting, role playing ( Not to good at that either )

Dislikes: needles, needles are painful and scary, and watching my friends fall apart, not being able to do anything about it.

* The Rules of LOVE * ♥
Kiss on the lips= I love You
Kiss on the ear= You are Special
Kiss on the nose= Laughter
Kiss on the cheek= Friendship
Kiss on the forehead= I comfort you
Kiss on the neck= I want you
Kiss on the shoulder= You are wonderful
Kiss anywhere else= be careful
Playing with hair= Cant Live without you
Holding Hands= Happiness
Arms around waist= you are mine I need you
A hug= I Care
Smiling at each other= I like you
raised eyebrow and/or wink= Flirtation
Looking around= Hiding Feelings
Tender kiss on the side of your lips= You're Mine
Wetting your lips= Waiting for a kiss
Tear Drop= Im losing you
Crying= I lost you...


私のきもちです<3 Muzic~8*

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