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Bebuzzu's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/02


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Well for starters I'm a major nerd. I play World of Warcraft alot and my interests all revolve around video games in general. Simple, I know. But I play Gaia Online whenever I feel the need. And of course to catch up. I still find grinding for gold difficult though. ;~;


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The Beginning

Yep... ... Well in short, I'm a bored World of Warcraft. If you haven't heard, Wrath of the Lich King is coming so I'm stuck in a case we're most EVERYONE is just preparing for it. This is my beginning in Gaia Online!


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Felifae Report | 06/09/2009 10:06 pm
Hello there, my dear friend Bebuzzu~
otoriio Report | 12/15/2008 8:17 pm
=thxx for buying and have a blessed Christmas=
Sylvanas Nerwen Report | 12/14/2008 8:03 pm
Sylvanas Nerwen
Jackpot of nerd WoW tektekers:
Sylvanas Nerwen Report | 12/14/2008 4:33 pm
Sylvanas Nerwen
Ah, so can my oven.

It's too hot for pie.
Sylvanas Nerwen Report | 12/14/2008 4:04 pm
Sylvanas Nerwen
Can you guys conjure ice cream yet?
Sylvanas Nerwen Report | 12/14/2008 2:30 pm
Sylvanas Nerwen
Christmas shopping?

That is hell. Unless you are shopping for yourself. Or someone is shopping for you, that's even better.

Ohhhh that made me realise I had nothing but coffee today....

Sylvanas Nerwen Report | 12/14/2008 10:27 am
Sylvanas Nerwen
I'm sorry for the late reply (can I even call it late?), I fell asleep... it was 6am.

And I dreamnt of tekteking Vash. eek
Sylvanas Nerwen Report | 12/13/2008 11:22 pm
Sylvanas Nerwen

It's a bizarre profile. My sincere apologies.

Have you checked the skin of that new EI, Dark Ice? If you're still low in black ink it might be worth it - to me it looked the same as the black dye. Or maybe the black Lotus skin...

Btw, most people in The Dressing Room can't seem to read anything but "TEKTEK ME" - caps are a must. Maybe you should include this in the title, since 90% of people here probably don't know what wrath means, let alone lich!
Sylvanas Nerwen Report | 12/13/2008 10:59 pm
Sylvanas Nerwen
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that mental picture almost makes me get over the loss of Varimathras!

MAGE COOKIES!!! The best food ever. I never get out before stopping by AV to score some cookies.

Oh man, I should roll a mage... you make dpsing sound so easy! But I would miss my minons. I rarely log on my warlock, but my imp is still very much loved... he was there for me since the very beggining... until I respec'd demo and got the big boy.
The bad part is when people assume that a voidwalker is better for parties because they hit harder... gonk
And all based on their size! Imps are underestimated. /cry
Sylvanas Nerwen Report | 12/13/2008 10:38 pm
Sylvanas Nerwen
Raiding put me off of playing for a while - I only came to Gaia to fill the time consumed by WoW. I'm just not hardcore enough or can't deal with pressure... but healing a raid was just too much. Having everything so scheduled killed a little bit of the fun... felt like a job. Especially because we didn't have many healers and I was the only holy priest, so taking a night off wasn't an option. At least now I know that full-hardcore playing isn't for me. But I adore the heroics and Magister's Terrace - Kael still owes me that baby phoenix!

Heeey that was the old Horde... things are different with our new Warchief, just ask Jaina! xD

It's incredible how a game can create such strong emotions. Most of the people I know would drop anything they were doing to protect Thrall if there was a raid in Org.
I'm a little worried about UC (freaking love the place, know it better than my real city, lol) since we lost Varimathras... broke my heart. It was obvious that it was just a matter of time until he betrayed Sylvanas, but they made such and impressive duo as faction leaders!

Sorry for the rambling, I can't contain myself when I meet someone that loves WoW too!

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Cherry Pie Girl
Classic Ghettophones
Poisoned Serenity
Dinah Leanne


Hey! D:<

Hey its Boxy!

Who is this?

I dunno, must've added him and forgot. :P

Meow!I mean Woof!Wait... what do I mean?

The songs are still a work in process, not like your going to be here long to listen. Right? Hahaha!

121) Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?

I gotta give credit to Harry Potter.
Its damn good and I read it.
But if Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings had a fight to the death,
Lord of the Rings would gut Harry Potter faster than you can say
"The one pwn to rule them all."

~Bebuzzu~ "Want Gold? Try this ^_^"

Where am I?

Join the club. :|

"Yanno, I've had alot of fun together its been reeeeally special but I think Ishouldstartseeingotherwarlocks... ITS NOT YOU! Its me!"