tiny moon boy

tiny moon boy's avatar

Registered: 03/05/2005

Gender: Female

Location: new orleans, unfortunately.

Birthday: 12/10


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no but rly idc

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Na Mastero Report | 04/30/2014 10:22 am
Poor guy, probably has to bleach the dingleberries off his mug every night. He's definitely in it for the long haul, good call Haley.
Na Mastero Report | 04/29/2014 6:28 am
You two actually don't make a bad looking couple. I'm assuming that stache probably tickles, though.
Na Mastero Report | 04/28/2014 7:41 am
Why hello there Haley. SO, who is the lucky white guy/girl you will be wedded to?
O Wabi-Sabi Report | 10/03/2012 5:06 pm
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debt Report | 07/08/2012 10:02 am
hey thanks i appreciate it
The Blurry Surrealist Report | 06/25/2012 7:35 pm
Good, have fun!

I dunno, I hear a lot of bad stuff directed towards girlfriends of DMs, usually because some go all "Super kawaii desu token female elf" character and they try to get bonus loot from their boyfriend. xD

You don't seem like the type, just don't let him go easy on you and everything should be fine. ;P
The Blurry Surrealist Report | 06/25/2012 7:29 pm
Um, well the HUGE rule is "no metagaming," of course-- Don't have your character know things she wouldn't actually know. Like, if you know that X thing was an obvious sign of a certain creature but your character obviously wouldn't know, you can't say "Hey guys X thing means Y is around the corner." That kind of stuff.

Also, don't be afraid to experiment in roleplaying. Getting into character is fun, and even if you may not be a super good or super evil person, it can be fun playing as one and seeing how it goes.
The Blurry Surrealist Report | 06/25/2012 7:13 pm
Yeah, playing first would be best. The first game I DMed was kinda shabby, even though I had like a year's experience at the time. xD

I'm Erica, it's nice to meet you!
The Blurry Surrealist Report | 06/25/2012 3:24 pm
Used to, but my friend has taken up the mantle of DM so I can play finally. c:
The Blurry Surrealist Report | 06/25/2012 2:53 pm
xD Ah, yeah. I haven't seen that happen, and if it does then the alignment usually changed unless you're playing like a Paladin or something.

Yep, I've DMed before. It's fun.




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