about me
I begin by saying that I am a person who likes anime. I am very interested in the paranormal, I like art mainly Mangas. I love the music of jonas brothers and six pack, my favorite anime series is noir and get backers. Please see my vj playilist on jonas brothers and noir, are excellent. Please leave their comntarios. I love you M&E....

He is my dream Avatar¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

We of the zOMG Elite Clan would like to state our disappointment with the decision to bind our rings to our accounts. We feel that this will have an extremely negative effect on our gameplay, our enjoyment, as well as that of every other Gaian. Although we are displeased with this change, we will continue to enjoy the zOMG as much as possible. Furthermore we would like to restate that we will continue our commitment to playing the zOMG throughout all of its changes, both those we agree with and those we disagree with.

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¿Qué personaje masculino de Kingdom Hearts eres?

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