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x healing rain x

x healing rain x's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/18

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i am...

welcome to HR's profile =]

She is a fairly musical person, in choir and plays piano, since age 6. She also enjoys listening to music too. A lot.

She is addicted to books; fantasy, action, the like. She loves the Harry Potter books and her favorite author is probably Garth Nix. She reads shounen/action manga and is currently reading bleach and re-reading rurouni kenshin, her all-time favorite.

She is also a fanfic writer! She writes them for bleach, rurouni kenshin, and so on. come visit and review her stories (you do not have to have an account to leave reviews) here

Her real name and age is, as of yet, confidential.
hair color: black
eye color: rust brown o_e
height: 5'5'' -- tall for an asian
DOB: 4/18
location: the land of Cold, with a capital C.
occupation: student
religion: Christian

HR also has a.....fetish...for music box music.


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Rikumora Report | 10/04/2009 12:27 pm
Yes! Pew Pew! XD

And geez, that SUCKS! My computer sometimes shuts down like that too sad
Rikumora Report | 10/03/2009 8:25 pm
Holy crap! So am I! biggrin
I'm using

And congrats on your new secret ability wink
Rikumora Report | 07/07/2009 2:04 am
My mom says we'll head back on August 11, but knowing my mom, we'll probably leave on the 13th or 14th :/
Rikumora Report | 07/06/2009 1:33 am
Woah! Thanks for the cuttlephones!
Anyways, I'm in China right now visiting my grandparents, so my internet connection is limited to internet cafes D:
But yeah, thanks for the cuttlephones! biggrin
x konfusion Report | 06/28/2009 12:55 pm
x konfusion
You're welcome. ^-^
xX Ms Water Lily Xx Report | 06/27/2009 12:00 am
xX Ms Water Lily Xx
good thx wow i love your avi, it's pretty cool and expensive
xX Ms Water Lily Xx Report | 06/26/2009 9:09 am
xX Ms Water Lily Xx
hei... u mussn't thank me... it's my hi my name is milena and i'm from romania
RosalieCullen012 Report | 06/05/2009 10:19 am
i've been out since yesterday.,
RosalieCullen012 Report | 06/05/2009 9:56 am
how are you?
RosalieCullen012 Report | 06/05/2009 9:50 am


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