Heyz,I lyk stuff!
And hopefully u no I'm a gal!
I lyk anime and manga
I gess I'm lazy
Yes I do lyk my food
I lyk gewd humour and I'm usually gewd to tlk to
I am hoping to get 20 000 gold
puhleez help meh and donate! ^^
After you have seen this profile! You're probably hungry! Do yourself a favour and get some food for yourself!
Hallucinating is Dangerous!
I have a slow reaction
YAY! Lets move onto a different profile (no if you click this you wont go on another profile)
OoOoOh! Smeones caught the jealousy bug!
My profile is a little bland at the moment
I dont no when i'll ever get to finish it
So enjoy what I have right now
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Go to my profile and u can c a link
....but at the moment... i dont have much gold on me, so howsabout we make a deal:
i draw your head, and you draw my head? please????