Viewing Marco Rossi Metal Slug's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


This Italian-American went on to study at the military academy's special technologies college after attending a public technical high school. After graduation, he became a member of the Peregrine Falcons Special Forces Squad (commonly called PF Squad). Although gentle by nature, mention of General Morden, responsible for the deaths of so many of his friends and comrades, will send him into an uncontrolled rage. He's one of the squad's expert agents and an intellectual whose hobby is computer science. A computer virus he created for fun once mistakenly attacked the army's central computer system. Penetrating through all of the security firewalls, the virus almost caused the launch of a nuclear missile. But he'll never admit this. His pet phrase is "Pull your finger out and get to the source code."

Marco is most skilled with the Handgun. He can shoot twice as fast with the Handgun and his shots cause double the damage due to the larger caliber bullets he uses compared to Tarma, Eri, and Fio.


Recorded Tapes

A large dossier laid out over a steel table. "Restricted" is stamped all over it in red ink.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/03/2012 2:15 pm


Ohaithere. o vo

Report | 12/31/2011 12:10 pm


LOL okay!

Report | 12/31/2011 12:06 pm


LOOOL Ohgod. XD;;; I should edit the pronunciation into my signature. ov o;

Report | 12/31/2011 12:00 pm


Sah-Kay. Kinda like the Rice wine. /derp

Report | 12/31/2011 11:59 am


Sake, duh? xD It's kind of weird. ;w;

Report | 12/31/2011 11:58 am


Saaame! 8D And sorry, I've been trying to find a username today, I thiiink I finally found one to stick with! >8D;;;

Report | 12/31/2011 11:54 am


Mhm~ How're you? o:
A Drunk Animal

Report | 12/29/2011 4:32 pm

A Drunk Animal

Ya deserve a belly rub! >:C
A Drunk Animal

Report | 12/29/2011 3:37 pm

A Drunk Animal

Still, why do ya ask? :3c
Do I owe you food? Belly rubs?
A Drunk Animal

Report | 12/29/2011 3:33 pm

A Drunk Animal

... /gasp/
YOU'RE... that guy with the quarters...


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"Hah! These can't be the enemy; they can't even aim right!"