2020 has gifted me with time. I might as well use it

To update this profile. Which I never did during the glory days on here. Here you will find my favorite music feature once a week or less or more... I may or may not log in every day as I am no longer a jobless teen lol. But I always get brought back to Gaia one way or the other. Even if it's years later. Who knows if I'll keep that up. But While I'm here I might as well have fun!

Things to talk to me about <3

I love to have real conversations, I am an open book for the most part.I love having conversations about life, religion, meaning full discussion on personal growth especially. How are you is incredibly important way for me to interact with you as a friend. I'm very interested in music sharing on here especially, learning about other anime and just reflecting on life. I play games a lot on here. Mostly that is where I am at. I also change my avi a lot. I'm a fashion designer IRL. The avis provide some fun outlets for me to explore. Enjoy! But sometimes you can find me in forums. I always strive to treat others the way I want to be treated. That means I love and respect you regardless of if we agree on something. I ask to be respected the same way <3 Anyways! Sending you love!


SpatulaofDestiny's avatar

Last Login: 05/27/2024 8:19 pm

Registered: 03/22/2005

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/24/1986

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amorremanet Report | 02/24/2022 12:14 pm
Love your avi! heart
n o i r i s t Report | 02/04/2021 2:25 pm
n o i r i s t
Wow, cool. Do you have any of your work on display, online? I collect some children's illustrated books. They are all traditional. It's completely different subject matter to what you yourseld draw, I suppose, but perhaps you would appreciate Jame's Gurney's artwork for his Dinotopia books? They are so beautiful - I wish I could draw like him! Link to a pic (warning - it's big!) heart
I don;t know anything of digital art. I used to draw with vectors in Photoshop but that was years ago so I don't remember it now. lol
Congrats on placing with your cosplay entry! & Thank you I am feeling much better now. mrgreen
Dovima Report | 02/03/2021 2:12 pm
Cool avi & pro!
n o i r i s t Report | 02/02/2021 1:39 pm
n o i r i s t
Hi there! Sorry for sporadic answering you! I have been on/off my comp as have a chest infection and taking medication for it but I am feeling better now and back online more. lol
Oh, what kind of art do you create? I do prefer traditional art myself, but I do also like digital styles. I'm not very good at either, but I still have a go now and then! I suppose you must use a lot of imaging softwares and such for your job? Sounds fun!
I have messaged the guild's captain to send you an invite.
Elventin Report | 02/01/2021 9:13 pm
heart thanks you for buying from my store heart

if got junk drop it here
n o i r i s t Report | 01/22/2021 12:24 pm
n o i r i s t
Hey, I meant to reply to your comment on my profile sooner - sorry about that.
Yeah, I miss it too but I think the old Gaia won't come back as internet forums are, for the most part, quite outdated. But it's okay because there are still plenty of nice people to chat with, if you know where to look! smile If you're inclined, maybe you'd like to join the guild I link in my sig/on my profile? Every week there's a sort of avatar challenge where everyone's avi's get saved by someone and they make a collage pic of it - and we just had a cosplay theme. They're very nice, chatty people too.
And I sent you a friend's request. I hope that's okay ? mrgreen
n o i r i s t Report | 01/16/2021 6:02 am
n o i r i s t
I just randomly clicked on your profile after seeing a comment you wrote in the GCD. Nice to see an OG profile! lol
I do mean that as a compliment. smile I feel like we're running out of chatty people on Gaia, these days...
Dimensional Blade Report | 12/21/2020 11:44 am
Dimensional Blade
My shorthand for Today's Menu for the Emiya Family haha. I'd look around for copies of Fate Stay/Night Realta Nua. That's an all ages compilation that allows you to play through whichever route you want with all the H scenes cut out. Removes some unnecessary scenes and even gives you taiga dojos for your bad ends. I actually own the Limited edition blu-ray sets for Fate/Zero, UBW and 2 of the 3 Heaven's feel movies as well as Garden of Sinners. Heaven's feel is very horror-esque and gory compared to the other 2 but it's still good because you get to see more of the Matous than you do in other routes.

Yeah there is that. I've just got a lot of other games that take up my time nowadays. I play a lot of smash bros and monster hunter with friends and do streaming as well.

I've been to Otacon once a couple years ago and it was so bad for my wallet lmao but I got a lot of exposure to other anime that I wouldn't have learned about otherwise. I actually have a full-size excalibur figure that lights up and even plays music and sound effects. It's so embarrassing but so cool at the same time. XD
Dimensional Blade Report | 12/21/2020 11:32 am
Dimensional Blade
Don't worry about the typos haha. It does seem odd that they don't let you edit profile comments though. neutral
Dimensional Blade Report | 12/21/2020 11:15 am
Dimensional Blade
Yup, I've seen those and played the original F/SN VN. Haven't read the Manga for Emiya Gohan though. Carnival Phantasm is one of the funniest things I've seen. The only other nasuverse thing I've gotten into is Garden of Sinners, which is really good if you can overlook how dumb ep 6 is and how weird ep 7 is.

I have played F/GO before but I hard cut myself off it to get away from the gacha games. I have a Gilgamesh/Altria and an El Melloi and that's about it for 5* servants.



Music Feature of the week! This song means so much to me for many reasons. Enjoy!