Im a 19 year old male, my birthday is really the 12, attending New England Institute of Technology. I live in Massachusetts, but i would like to move somewhere alittle warmer. really want to visit england and scottland to see the castlesim about 5' 9" 175lbs i lost 60lbs. i have dark brown hair, but my favorite feature of my face is my eyes, the outside of my iris is black, then dark blue, then a gold ring round the pupil.
Im native american, (cherokee, mowhawk, and apatchee) with english, finish (finland), alil german, and scottish.
im currently in a relationship with some one that i believe may be my true. been with her for a year this coming febuary 9. shes my sweetheart and love, makes me happy when im sad, laugh when im down, and makes me feel alive. she makes me feel so alive. just waitn for her to graduate college before......
I play video games, my fav is twighlight princess at the moment. i play halo, gears of war, grand theft auto, Zelda series, sonic the hedgehog series, monster hunter,
i own a cat. 6 years old. his name is cao cao (sounds like cow) named him after a chinese general i had to do a project on in history.
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If she really wants a baby and you dont .. she should move on D:< or if you do want a baby but not now, and she really loves you or w.e she should wait.