Hunter Kaskura

Hunter Kaskura's avatar

Last Login: 01/11/2023 9:06 pm

Registered: 01/17/2009

Gender: Female

Location: In the Closet.

Birthday: 01/05

Occupation: Computer geek/wanna-be goth


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It's me, and you can't change it.

This profile is old as hell. It's been kept intact as a sort of museum dedicated towards the cringe fest teenager I used to be. If you're down for a laugh, feel free to read on.

"I like emo and goth things, I draw and yes, I even color (as in posters and stuff). I don't hate the world or think the world hates me and no I do NOT cut. I like pink frilly girly things and I like boyish gross stuff too. I also believe family is more important than friends and that real life is better than the internet. I hate idiots who aren't grateful for what they've got and all those people who just go with the flow and are like everybody else. I also am -entirely- against obama, so yeah.

I like little nick-nacks and things you might call junk. Before you even ask, miley cyrus and all those other spoiled brats can go jump off a cliff. I like my opinion to be known and anyone who thinks that people shouldn't have opinions and starts bagging on me for it is just digging themselves a 50 foot pit. I like animals, and think they're more than just toys to occupy my mind. I play World of Warcraft, 80 Bloodelf hunter, and I roleplay too.

I can be way too optimistic, but I can also be a really bad pessimist. I like to be in the lead, and can't stand people who I deem stupid. I am neutral about the twilight -books-, though I watched the movie and could feel my brain cells dying from the horrible acting. "Edward" or "Robby!" is fuuuggglllyyy, and I absolutely despise crazed twilight fans. People with bad grammar annoy me to death, and I won't hesitate to fix spelling mistakes for people.

I'm not into gangster stuff, and everytime I see graffiti it makes me want to go and wash it off, no matter how stupid that sounds. I also dislike girls who play stupid and only want to get a guy in bed, and I hate guys who like it when girls act stupid. I am -intelligent- and actually know what the word means, too. I am against the "Women belong in the kitchen" stuff, so don't even bother talking to me if you're into it.

I am entirely too ready to get in a fight, so don't expect me to be walked on by anyone." - Teenage me, 2009

Talk to me, I don't bite.

View All Comments

Beaver_Baron Report | 01/06/2011 8:22 pm
Ping! Random comment'd mrgreen
Lil_Kaios Report | 08/24/2010 10:04 am
Thanks for the comment~
i am on the guest list Report | 06/04/2010 12:48 pm
i am on the guest list
Thanks For Buying!
Bootch Betch Report | 05/06/2010 12:53 pm
Bootch Betch
are you interested in (cheap) high quality RL commissions? (real money)
iAm_Carbonated_Jello Report | 04/18/2010 8:58 pm
Awesome avi and profile!!!
LostEspada Report | 04/02/2010 11:46 pm
Haha- I know, right? He's the best (x.
ComplacentViolins Report | 03/23/2010 8:19 pm
So I just wanted to say that your avi is the bee's knees! biggrin
No, really, I like it a whole lot. Very nice.
Fox E Roxy Report | 02/20/2010 8:18 pm
Fox E Roxy
i KINDA got that
it made enuff sense
thank you!
too bad gaia couldnt have a defult thing like they have for the signatures... it would be alot easier than bringing it up everytime you want to post something
Fox E Roxy Report | 02/20/2010 8:10 pm
Fox E Roxy
I looked at your Shop and i saw that you made
?post formats?
how do you make them... like and how do you piut them on as your post and stuff?

*i wish i knew how to do these things xD *

oh read your about me... Miley Cyrus IS a loser ^_^
i agree with your opinions
I-AT3S UR C00KI3Z Report | 02/18/2010 11:13 am
thxs 4 buying

Hunter was Here

Did I mention I hate sparkles?

For the horde!

Zodiacal. Help me out? =)

Also questing OC art.
Want to be nice and give me
a freebie? Send me a Pm
about OC details <3


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