
Why hello there. I'm Anna Banana, but since some one took that name, I shall be known as Anna The Fork. I write fanfictions, and original works, along with poems and songs. I also draw. I draw fanfiction and original characters.. and other kinds of art! I loooovee writing and drawing.

I'm in love with Esther-The-Scribe. Her and her other self are what gets me and my other self through each day.

I love anime and manga, and especially yoai. Yuri is nice too. I'm currently writing.. four original works, one song, and like.. six or seven fanfictions. One of which is a gaia npc gossip fanfiction. Haha.

I love roleplaying and will join a lot at once, as long as it has a good plot. And if it does have a good plot, like, a really good plot, then I'll get hooked on it. :'D

Ummm... you need to ask if you want to know more.



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Report | 02/22/2009 4:49 pm


*kisses her cheek* So cute.