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kiki_emo_bunny_'s avatar

Last Login: 01/21/2012 10:01 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/11

what im wearing =)



Well, theres not really much to say about me.. i guess im a pretty awesome chick. pretty much a bad girl. haha i own detention lol! always hanging wiht friends. getting into trouble cursing out the teachers. pretty fun stuff. but either way if any of you ever hang with me, i love having fun. and im pretty crazy so im willing to do anything smile


um...? comments?

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Amulet Coin Report | 02/08/2011 8:02 am
Amulet Coin
Hey x3
Wicked Romance Report | 12/30/2010 11:14 am
Wicked  Romance
what do you want
Wicked Romance Report | 12/09/2010 11:27 am
Wicked  Romance
Wicked Romance Report | 12/09/2010 11:16 am
Wicked  Romance
kathleen caludia
Wicked Romance Report | 12/09/2010 11:16 am
Wicked  Romance
oh my god
Wicked Romance Report | 12/09/2010 11:13 am
Wicked  Romance
Wicked Romance Report | 12/09/2010 11:09 am
Wicked  Romance
hahahahah wth
Wicked Romance Report | 08/20/2010 2:16 pm
Wicked  Romance

i understand .... like its already been two weeks since i talk to her ..but oh well ..i wish we could all stay togerther foreverever
even in the i never had friend like you guys before in my life... now all of that has change its life that how it is i,i can
do anything about .. life suck that way once you start having fun with the people you love it comes and takes them away from you... ...
Wicked Romance Report | 08/19/2010 4:57 pm
Wicked  Romance

ikr she like in her own world now..i send her ah mean comment for to her but she didt commet back..i really dont know what to do because its on the first week of

i havent talk to cornisha a** in ah long time...what
ah start like this monday and s**t like wth..i didnt do anything this some but family problems always .......
i hate the world so much..iam dead in side...i didnt do shi.t this summer waiting fr the last minute intill school starts
Wicked Romance Report | 08/17/2010 12:08 pm
Wicked  Romance

oh that sounds nice ...of course they let you in
yeah my birthday on the secound week of hair is s fuc.king short
. ...yeah cluida has ah boyfirend now..about time lol...i only talk to her once ah week ...she always on face book..we own her she marked by me
Wicked  Romance

I rocks and everyone knows it!! LOL I love Jordan!!!

''....Frozen inside without your touch, without your love, only you, are the life among the dead...