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Me, Myself , and I


Hi I'm Andrea. I'm a California Girl. I love art. I would like to learn how to play piano, but I just don't think I'll have time left for myself. I love vollyball, tennis, baseball, and found out I also really like kickball. My favorite color is periwinkle. I am a nerd and I'm proud of it. I don't really like to read. I would rather just wait for a movie to come out based on it. I don't really like school, but without I would have nothing to do. When I grow up I would like to own my own restaurant/bakery. I am shy at school, but when I get home I'm not shy at all. If you have any other questions about me just pm me.

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lovepup26 Report | 04/06/2011 6:45 pm
Yeah, if they go for wigs I'm going to get all up in their face and send them a strongly worded letter. But really, they had to choose the guy from that horrid miley cyrus movie in there. I about killed myself when I learned they had chosen him for Gale. It going to make me absolutely hate him. And considering I didn't turn on Gale when he killed Prim is saying something.
lovepup26 Report | 12/21/2010 5:13 pm
No problem. You were never online anyway so you didn't know.
lovepup26 Report | 11/01/2010 8:58 pm
you should try renaissance. every morning during first period we paint posters and mess around. easiest A ever.
lovepup26 Report | 11/01/2010 3:45 pm
Fine. I was planning on trick or treating at your house but i was too lazy to walk alll the way up Virginia. Although there was this weird dude who would like stop and random places and watch people he's either a ninja or a complete *****
lovepup26 Report | 10/31/2010 4:45 pm
well thats descriptive. i gotta go call denise
lovepup26 Report | 10/30/2010 4:45 pm
thanks i'm pretty sure my computer will be able to handle a couple attacks whats it like anyway?
lovepup26 Report | 07/28/2010 7:58 pm
ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I get ittt. *facepalm*
lovepup26 Report | 07/28/2010 7:44 pm
How are you a nerd if you don't like school?????? huh? huh? eek jk sorry but still... oh and dont be offended this is coming from a REAL nerd 4laugh
lovepup26 Report | 05/10/2010 4:56 pm
I really don't mean to be offensive or anything but... WHY IS A GRUNNY ATTACKING YOUR HEAD!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!
dncrockz101 Report | 05/01/2010 9:50 am
yeah ill make it but i need her e mail and username and password


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