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Exploding Tofu

Exploding Tofu's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/01

Occupation: World Dominator





User Image

Thank you x_ T r i s t e _x for the amazing profile! <33
Stock image from

MY LOVE LIST a list of people who have donated to me including presents but excluding arts ok ;v;
|| Peach_Juice ||: got me started and helped me gain back some ground after I was hacked with 20k worth of items and gold (I don't exactly remember what items lolol sorry), Hidden Ace 12th Gen (counting this as a donation since you counted Noel's Gift as one)
Cake-chan baka: 5k.
Elyzia: 3k and Diapered Egg
Lillian VonDei: Felicia's Gloves, Mokona Hat, and Chapeau Demonique.
Lardolarva: 72k.
G-Dragon-Buttferfly: 20k.
Tsuki Amu: Blue Frilled Hat, Neck Shackle, G-LOL Pink Gown, 4 white inks, Black Flow Prom Dress, Spider Witchling Dress, Champagne Party Hair Ribbon, Colonial Stockings, Black Pleated Tennis Skirt, 500gg, Seafoam Gown, 3k tickets, Bone Scythe, Heart Eye Patch, Strawberry Shortcake Queen of Cups, October Birthstone Crown, October Birthstone Cape, and White Sweetheart Ruffled Dress.
StormCloudsRain: 5k.
Bannied: 1 white ink.
hairoluvsu2: Doves :)
yuu pan: 50k c:
anonymous: raider shih's garment (who was this? go ahead and spill it sob)
go chudley cannons: nitemare collar, winged handkerchief, fronteir skies water medal, bubu kitty plushie, bunnepidemic, acid teru teru bozu, kiwi chocolate creme, orange handcrafted flower hairpin, pineapple grenadia, simple green skirt, arrow phaser
anonymous: december 2009 thank you letter (who was this? tell me D< )
Hollita: case of pietro
anonymous: charming bowler
anonymous: unapologetic sorry (ok anons wanna tell me who you were so I can thank you? ;n;)
x_ T r i s t e _x: indigo flutter
LoveIy Lucie: rosamund's redemption!!!!!! * A *
